
Vendor: Changjiang Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.


GPIO pins exposed on CJMCU SC16IS75x breakout board headers.

The SC16IS75x breakout board layout provides a wraparound header on
two opposite edges of the board and can be divided into three sections.
Firstly, up to the host controller the serial bus configuration,
communication and chip control, secondly the UART interface to the
outside, and thirdly the GPIO interface down to other I/O components.

Proceeding clockwise on SC16IS750 breakout board:
* A 11-pin header. 5 pins on this header are exposed by this binding.
* A 11-pin header. 3 pins on this header are exposed by this binding.

Proceeding clockwise on SC16IS752 breakout board:
* A 2x8-pin header. 8 pins on this header are exposed by this binding.
* A 10-pin header. 0 pins on this header are exposed by this binding.

This binding provides a nexus mapping for 8 pins where parent pins 0
through 7 correspond as depicted below:

           SC16IS750                            SC16IS752
   .-----------------------.         .-----------------------------.
 - |o I2C/nSPI        GND o| -       |           __                |
 - |o A0/CS     _  nRESET o| -       |        .-´  |-          --. |
 - |o A1/SI  _|| ||_   RX o| -     - |o VCC   |    |-     .---´   v|
 - |o NC/SO   ||_||    TX o| -     - |o GND   `-.__|-  GP7|TXA  o o| 7 -
 - |o SCL/SCK         CTS o| -     - |o nRESET         GP6|RXA  o o| 6 -
 - |o SDA/NC  _____   RTS o| -     - |o A0/CS     _    GP5|RTSA o o| 5 -
 - |o nIRQ   |     |  IO7 o| 7     - |o A1/SI  -||_||- GP4|CTSA o o| 4 -
 0 |o IO0    | 750 |  IO6 o| 6     - |o NC/SO     ___  GP3|TXB  o o| 3 -
 1 |o IO1    |_____|  IO5 o| 5     - |o nIRQ     |   | GP2|RXB  o o| 2 -
 2 |o IO2   ____      IO4 o| 4     - |o I2C/nSPI | 7 | GP1|RTSB o o| 1 -
 - |o VCC  |____|     IO3 o| 3     - |o SCL/SCLK | 5 | GP0|CTSB o o| 0 -
   `-----------------------´       - |o SDA/NC   | 2 | ---+    .^  |
                                     |           |___|     `--´    |
                                     |                             |


Properties not inherited from the base binding file.






This property is required.







Number of items to expect in a GPIO specifier

This property is required.