
Vendor: Digilent, Inc.


GPIO pins exposed on Digilent Pmod header.

The Pmod layout provides standard 100mil spaced, 25mil square,
pin-header style 6-pin (Spec A/C) or 12-pin (Spec B/D) connectors
with currently 7 pin assignments to support different use cases
for GPIO (Type 1), SPI, (Type 2), UART (Type 3), H-Bridge (Type 4),
Dual H-Bridge (Type 5), I2C (Type 6), I2S (Type 7).

The peripheral module board will have a male connector. This will
typically be a right-angle connector, at the board edge, for direct
connection to a host board. The host board will typically have a
12-pin right-angle female connector at the board edge for direct
connection of peripheral module boards.

The power pins of the interface (VCC) provide power from the host to
the peripheral. The complete interface requires that the host provide
the ability to switch the voltage on the power pins between 5V and
3.3V. A reduced functionality subset of the specification allows the
host to provide only 3.3V at the power supply pins, with no ability
to switch. On the 12-pin version of the interface, both power supply
pins switch together and always supply the same voltage. These pins
may be shorted together at either the host end or the peripheral side.

Pin assignment and all specifications can be found at:

This binding provides a nexus mapping for 8 pins where parent
pins 0 through 7 correspond as depicted below depending on
related "Spec" and "Type":

                             (Spec B/D) 12-pin   6-pin (Spec A/C)
                                            | \ /
                                            |  |

GPIO (Types 1/1A):                      IO5 4  0 IO1
                                  (PWM) IO6 5  1 IO2 (PWM)
                                        IO7 6  2 IO3
                                        IO8 7  3 IO4
                                        GND -  - GND
                                        VCC -  - VCC

SPI (Types 2/2A):                 (INT) IO5 4  0 CS
                                (RESET) IO6 5  1 MOSI
                                  (CS2) IO7 6  2 MISO
                                  (CS3) IO8 7  3 SCK
                                        GND -  - GND
                                        VCC -  - VCC

UART (Types 3/3A):                (INT) IO5 4  0 CTS (IO1)
                                (RESET) IO6 5  1 TXD
                                        IO7 6  2 RXD
                                        IO8 7  3 RTS (IO4)
                                        GND -  - GND
                                        VCC -  - VCC

H-Bridge (Types 4):                            0 DIR
                                               1 EN (PWM)
                                               2 SA
                                               3 SB
                                               - GND
                                               - VCC

Dual H-Bridge (Types 5):                       0 DIR1
                                               1 EN1
                                               2 DIR2
                                               3 EN2
                                               - GND
                                               - VCC

Dual H-Bridge (Types 5A):              DIR2 4  0 DIR1
                                  (PWM) EN2 5  1 EN1 (PWM)
                                        S2A 6  2 S1A
                                        S2B 7  3 S1B
                                        GND -  - GND
                                        VCC -  - VCC

I2C (Types 6/6A):                       IO5 4  0 N/C (IO1) (INT)
                                        IO6 5  1 N/C (IO2) (RESET)
                                        IO7 6  2 SCL
                                        IO8 7  3 SDA
                                        GND -  - GND
                                        VCC -  - VCC

I2S (Types 7):                          IO5 4  0 LRCLK
                                        IO6 5  1 DAC Data
                                 (MCLK) IO7 6  2 ADC Data
                                        IO8 7  3 BCLK
                                        GND -  - GND
                                        VCC -  - VCC


Properties not inherited from the base binding file.






This property is required.







Number of items to expect in a GPIO specifier

This property is required.