
The devicetree concept of a phandle is very similar to pointers in C. You can use phandles to refer to nodes in devicetree similarly to the way you can use pointers to refer to structures in C.

Getting phandles

The usual way to get a phandle for a devicetree node is from one of its node labels. For example, with this devicetree:

/ {
        lbl_a: node-1 {};
        lbl_b: lbl_c: node-2 {};

You can write the phandle for:

  • /node-1 as &lbl_a

  • /node-2 as either &lbl_b or &lbl_c

Notice how the &nodelabel devicetree syntax is similar to the “address of” C syntax.

Using phandles


“Type” in this section refers to one of the type names documented in Properties in the devicetree bindings documentation.

Here are the main ways you will use phandles.

One node: phandle type

You can use phandles to refer to node-b from node-a, where node-b is related to node-a in some way.

One common example is when node-a represents some hardware that generates an interrupt, and node-b represents the interrupt controller that receives the asserted interrupt. In this case, you could write:

node_b: node-b {

node-a {
        interrupt-parent = <&node_b>;

This uses the standard interrupt-parent property defined in the devicetree specification to capture the relationship between the two nodes.

These properties have type phandle.

Zero or more nodes: phandles type

You can use phandles to make an array of references to other nodes.

One common example occurs in pin control. Pin control properties like pinctrl-0, pinctrl-1 etc. may contain multiple phandles, each of which “points” to a node containing information related to pin configuration for that hardware peripheral. Here’s an example of six phandles in a single property:

pinctrl-0 = <&quadspi_clk_pe10 &quadspi_ncs_pe11
             &quadspi_bk1_io0_pe12 &quadspi_bk1_io1_pe13
             &quadspi_bk1_io2_pe14 &quadspi_bk1_io3_pe15>;

These properties have type phandles.

Zero or more nodes with metadata: phandle-array type

You can use phandles to refer to and configure one or more resources that are “owned” by some other node.

This is the most complex case. There are examples and more details in the next section.

These properties have type phandle-array.

phandle-array properties

These properties are commonly used to specify a resource that is owned by another node along with additional metadata about the resource.

High level description

Usually, properties with this type are written like phandle-array-prop in this example:

node {
        phandle-array-prop = <&foo 1 2>, <&bar 3>, <&baz 4 5>;

That is, the property’s value is written as a comma-separated sequence of “groups”, where each “group” is written inside of angle brackets (< ... >). Each “group” starts with a phandle (&foo, &bar, &baz). The values that follow the phandle in each “group” are called specifiers. There are three specifiers in the above example:

  1. 1 2

  2. 3

  3. 4 5

The phandle in each “group” is used to “point” to the hardware that controls the resource you are interested in. The specifier describes the resource itself, along with any additional necessary metadata.

The rest of this section describes a common example. Subsequent sections document more rules about how to use phandle-array properties in practice.

Example phandle-arrays: GPIOs

Perhaps the most common use case for phandle-array properties is specifying one or more GPIOs on your SoC that another chip on your board connects to. For that reason, we’ll focus on that use case here. However, there are many other use cases that are handled in devicetree with phandle-array properties.

For example, consider an external chip with an interrupt pin that is connected to a GPIO on your SoC. You will typically need to provide that GPIO’s information (GPIO controller and pin number) to the device driver for that chip. You usually also need to provide other metadata about the GPIO, like whether it is active low or high, what kind of internal pull resistor within the SoC should be enabled in order to communicate with the device, etc., to the driver.

In the devicetree, there will be a node that represents the GPIO controller that controls a group of pins. This reflects the way GPIO IP blocks are usually developed in hardware. Therefore, there is no single node in the devicetree that represents a GPIO pin, and you can’t use a single phandle to represent it.

Instead, you would use a phandle-array property, like this:

my-external-ic {
        irq-gpios = <&gpioX pin flags>;

In this example, irq-gpios is a phandle-array property with just one “group” in its value. &gpioX is the phandle for the GPIO controller node that controls the pin. pin is the pin number (0, 1, 2, …). flags is a bit mask describing pin metadata (for example (GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW | GPIO_PULL_UP)); see include/zephyr/dt-bindings/gpio/gpio.h for more details.

The device driver handling the my-external-ic node can then use the irq-gpios property’s value to set up interrupt handling for the chip as it is used on your board. This lets you configure the device driver in devicetree, without changing the driver’s source code.

Such properties can contain multiple values as well:

my-other-external-ic {
        handshake-gpios = <&gpioX pinX flagsX>, <&gpioY pinY flagsY>;

The above example specifies two pins:

  • pinX on the GPIO controller with phandle &gpioX, flags flagsX

  • pinY on &gpioY, flags flagsY

You may be wondering how the “pin and flags” convention is established and enforced. To answer this question, we’ll need to introduce a concept called specifier spaces before moving on to some information about devicetree bindings.

Specifier spaces

Specifier spaces are a way to allow nodes to describe how you should use them in phandle-array properties.

We’ll start with an abstract, high level description of how specifier spaces work in DTS files, before moving on to a concrete example and providing references to further reading for how this all works in practice using DTS files and bindings files.

High level description

As described above, a phandle-array property is a sequence of “groups” of phandles followed by some number of cells:

node {
        phandle-array-prop = <&foo 1 2>, <&bar 3>;

The cells that follow each phandle are called a specifier. In this example, there are two specifiers:

  1. 1 2: two cells

  2. 3: one cell

Every phandle-array property has an associated specifier space. This sounds complex, but it’s really just a way to assign a meaning to the cells that follow each phandle in a hardware specific way. Every specifier space has a unique name. There are a few “standard” names for commonly used hardware, but you can create your own as well.

Devicetree nodes encode the number of cells that must appear in a specifier, by name, using the #SPACE_NAME-cells property. For example, let’s assume that phandle-array-prop‘s specifier space is named baz. Then we would need the foo and bar nodes to have the following #baz-cells properties:

foo: node@1000 {
        #baz-cells = <2>;

bar: node@2000 {
        #baz-cells = <1>;

Without the #baz-cells property, the devicetree tooling would not be able to validate the number of cells in each specifier in phandle-array-prop.

This flexibility allows you to write down an array of hardware resources in a single devicetree property, even though the amount of metadata you need to describe each resource might be different for different nodes.

A single node can also have different numbers of cells in different specifier spaces. For example, we might have:

foo: node@1000 {
        #baz-cells = <2>;
        #bob-cells = <1>;

With that, if phandle-array-prop-2 has specifier space bob, we could write:

node {
        phandle-array-prop = <&foo 1 2>, <&bar 3>;
        phandle-array-prop-2 = <&foo 4>;

This flexibility allows you to have a node that manages multiple different kinds of resources at the same time. The node describes the amount of metadata needed to describe each kind of resource (how many cells are needed in each case) using different #SPACE_NAME-cells properties.

Example specifier space: gpio

From the above example, you’re already familiar with how one specifier space works: in the “gpio” space, specifiers almost always have two cells:

  1. a pin number

  2. a bit mask of flags related to the pin

Therefore, almost all GPIO controller nodes you will see in practice will look like this:

gpioX: gpio-controller@deadbeef {
        #gpio-cells = <2>;

Associating properties with specifier spaces

Above, we have described that:

  • each phandle-array property has an associated specifier space

  • specifier spaces are identified by name

  • devicetree nodes use #SPECIFIER_NAME-cells properties to configure the number of cells which must appear in a specifier

In this section, we explain how phandle-array properties get their specifier spaces.

High level description

In general, a phandle-array property named foos implicitly has specifier space foo. For example:

    type: phandle-array
    type: phandle-array

The dmas property’s specifier space is “dma”. The pwms property’s specifier space is pwm.

Special case: GPIO

*-gpios properties are special-cased so that e.g. foo-gpios resolves to #gpio-cells rather than #foo-gpio-cells.

Manually specifying a space

You can manually specify the specifier space for any phandle-array property. See specifier-space.

Naming the cells in a specifier

You should name the cells in each specifier space your hardware supports when writing bindings. For details on how to do this, see Specifier cell names (*-cells).

This allows C code to query information about and retrieve the values of cells in a specifier by name using devicetree APIs like these:

This feature and these macros are used internally by numerous hardware-specific APIs. Here are a few examples:

See also

  • Writing property values: how to write phandles in devicetree properties

  • Properties: how to write bindings for properties with phandle types (phandle, phandles, phandle-array)

  • specifier-space: how to manually specify a phandle-array property’s specifier space