Bluetooth: Call Control Profile Shell

Call Control Server

The Call Control Server is a role that typically resides on devices that can make calls, including calls from apps such as Skype, e.g. (smart)phones and PCs, which are typically GAP Central devices.

Using the Call Control Server

The Server can be controlled locally, or by a remote device (when in a call). For example a remote device may initiate a call to the server, or the Server may initiate a call to remote device, without a client.

ccp_call_control_server --help
ccp_call_control_server - Bluetooth CCP Call Control Server shell commands
  init  : Initialize CCP Call Control Server

Example Usage


uart:~$ bt init
uart:~$ ccp_call_control_server init
Registered GTBS bearer
Registered bearer[1]
uart:~$ bt connect xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx public

Call Control Client

The Call Control Client is a role that typically resides on resource constrained devices such as earbuds or headsets.

Using the Call Control Client

The Client can control a remote CCP server device. For example a remote device may have an incoming call that can be accepted by the Client.

uart:~$ ccp_call_control_client --help
ccp_call_control_client - Bluetooth CCP Call Control Client shell commands
  discover  : Discover GTBS and TBS on remote device

Example Usage when connected

uart:~$ ccp_call_control_client discover
Discovery completed with GTBS and 1 TBS bearers