Hello Shell

This is a derived work from the original Zephyr “Hello World” example! Most of the stuff in this README file needs to be redesigned and changed!


A simple Hello World example that can be used with any supported board and prints ‘Hello World! I’m THE SHELL’ to the console. This application can be built into modes:


Building and Running

This project outputs ‘Hello World! I’m THE SHELL’ to the console. It can be built and executed as emulation in QEMU Emulation for X86 as follows:

west build -b qemu_x86 -p -d build/helloshell-qemu_x86 bridle/samples/helloshell
west build -t run -d build/helloshell-qemu_x86


Exit QEMU by pressing CTRL+A x.

Also it can be built and executed on following targets:

  • As Native POSIX execution (native_posix), fancy command set mode:

    west build -b native_posix -p -d build/helloshell-native_posix bridle/samples/helloshell
    west build -t run -d build/helloshell-native_posix


    Connect a terminal emulator to the given pseudotty or start the application directly with the autoconnect argument:

    ./build/helloshell-native_posix/zephyr/zephyr.exe -attach_uart
  • As emulation in QEMU Emulation for ARM Cortex-M3, fancy command set mode:

    west build -b qemu_cortex_m3 -p -d build/helloshell-qemu_cortex_m3 bridle/samples/helloshell
    west build -t run -d build/helloshell-qemu_cortex_m3


    Exit QEMU by pressing CTRL+A x.

  • On Nucleo F746ZG board, fancy command set mode:

    west build -b nucleo_f746zg -p -d build/helloshell-nucleo_f746zg bridle/samples/helloshell
    west flash -d build/helloshell-nucleo_f746zg

Further you can deside either to run in a basic or fancy command set mode:

  • On Nucleo F746ZG board, basic command set mode:

    west build -b nucleo_f746zg -p -d build/helloshell-nucleo_f746zg bridle/samples/helloshell -- -DCONF_FILE=prj-minimal.conf
    west flash -d build/helloshell-nucleo_f746zg
  • On Nucleo F746ZG board, helpful command set mode for hardware startups and bug hunting:

    west build -b nucleo_f746zg -p -d build/helloshell-nucleo_f746zg bridle/samples/helloshell -- -DCONF_FILE=prj-hwstartup.conf
    west flash -d build/helloshell-nucleo_f746zg
  • On Nucleo F746ZG board, fancy command set mode:

    west build -b nucleo_f746zg -p -d build/helloshell-nucleo_f746zg bridle/samples/helloshell -- -DCONF_FILE=prj.conf
    west flash -d build/helloshell-nucleo_f746zg

Sample Output

(text in bold is a command input, text in angle brackets are keys to press)

Hello World! I'm THE SHELL from nucleo_f746zg

uart:~$ <Tab>
  adc        bridle     clear      dac        device     devmem     eeprom
  flash      gpio       hello      help       history    hwinfo     i2c
  kernel     led        log        pwm        regulator  rem        resize
  retval     rtc        sensor     shell      timer

uart:~$ help
Please press the <Tab> button to see all available commands.
You can also use the <Tab> button to prompt or auto-complete all commands or its subcommands.
You can try to call commands with <-h> or <--help> parameter for more information.

Shell supports following meta-keys:
  Ctrl + (a key from: abcdefklnpuw)
  Alt  + (a key from: bf)
Please refer to shell documentation for more details.

Available commands:
  adc        : ADC commands
  bridle     : Bridle commands.
  clear      : Clear screen.
  dac        : DAC shell commands
  device     : Device commands
  devmem     : Read/write physical memory
               Read memory at address with optional width:
               devmem address [width]
               Write memory at address with mandatory width and value:
               devmem address <width> <value>
  eeprom     : EEPROM shell commands
  flash      : Flash shell commands
  gpio       : GPIO commands
  hello      : say hello
  help       : Prints the help message.
  history    : Command history.
  hwinfo     : HWINFO commands
  i2c        : I2C commands
  kernel     : Kernel commands
  led        : LED commands
  log        : Commands for controlling logger
  pwm        : PWM shell commands
  regulator  : Regulator playground
  rem        : Ignore lines beginning with 'rem '
  resize     : Console gets terminal screen size or assumes default in case the
               readout fails. It must be executed after each terminal width
               change to ensure correct text display.
  retval     : Print return value of most recent command
  sensor     : Sensor commands
  shell      : Useful, not Unix-like shell commands.
  timer      : Timer commands
uart:~$ hello -h
hello - say hello
uart:~$ hello
Hello from shell.
uart:~$ kernel version
Zephyr version 4.0.99

uart:~$ bridle version
Bridle version 4.0.99

uart:~$ bridle version long
Bridle version

uart:~$ bridle info
Zephyr: 4.0.99
Bridle: 4.0.99
uart:~$ kernel uptime
Uptime: 327750 ms

uart:~$ kernel cycles
cycles: 3586181929 hw cycles
uart:~$ kernel thread list
Scheduler: 498 since last call
        options: 0x0, priority: -16 timeout: 0
        state: pending, entry: 0x800231d
        stack size 2048, unused 1920, usage 128 / 2048 (6 %)

*0x20010ae8 shell_uart
        options: 0x0, priority: 14 timeout: 0
        state: queued, entry: 0x8004ba1
        stack size 2048, unused 960, usage 1088 / 2048 (53 %)

 0x20011750 sysworkq
        options: 0x1, priority: -1 timeout: 0
        state: pending, entry: 0x800ec3d
        stack size 1024, unused 848, usage 176 / 1024 (17 %)

 0x200105e8 logging
        options: 0x0, priority: 14 timeout: 0
        state: pending, entry: 0x8002a29
        stack size 768, unused 584, usage 184 / 768 (23 %)

 0x200114f0 idle
        options: 0x1, priority: 15 timeout: 0
        state: , entry: 0x801481d
        stack size 320, unused 256, usage 64 / 320 (20 %)
uart:~$ kernel thread stacks
0x20010e80                                  (real size 2048):   unused 1920     usage  128 / 2048 ( 6 %)
0x20010ae8 shell_uart                       (real size 2048):   unused  960     usage 1088 / 2048 (53 %)
0x20011750 sysworkq                         (real size 1024):   unused  848     usage  176 / 1024 (17 %)
0x200105e8 logging                          (real size  768):   unused  584     usage  184 /  768 (23 %)
0x200114f0 idle                             (real size  320):   unused  256     usage   64 /  320 (20 %)
0x20015e80 IRQ 00                           (real size 2048):   unused 1816     usage  232 / 2048 (11 %)