Waveshare Pico 10-DOF IMU Sensor Sample

  • TP: LPS22HB, I2C absolute barometric air pressure with temperature sensor

  • DOF: MPU-9250 (ICM-20948), I2C accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer


This sample application periodically measures the ambient temperature and air pressure from the TP device and the chip temperature, acceleration, angular velocity and the terrestrial magnetism in all XYZ spatial coordinates from the DOF device. The result is written to the console along with the time since startup.



This sample uses all sensors controlled by using the I2C interface.

  • connect supply: VDD, GND

  • and interface: SDA, SCL.

The supply voltage can be in the 2.4V to 3.6V range. Depending on the baseboard used, the SDA and SCL lines require Pull-Up resistors.

Building and Running

This project outputs sensor data to the console. It requires a LPS22HB and a MPU-9250 sensor. It should work with any platform featuring a I2C peripheral interface. This example is usable with the Devicetree overlay that comes with the Waveshare Pico 10-DOF IMU Sensor shield for the Raspberry Pi Pico board.

The following examples use the shield in revision 2.1. If these should be used for revision 1, the variable SHIELD must be adapted accordingly.

west build -b rpi_pico -p -S usb-console --shield waveshare_pico_10dof_imu_sensor_r2 -d build/waveshare_pico_10dof_imu_sensor_r2 bridle/samples/waveshare_pico_10dof_imu_sensor
west flash -r uf2 -d build/waveshare_pico_10dof_imu_sensor_r2

Sample Output

[00:00:00.067,000] <dbg> MPU9250: ak8963_fetch_adj: Adjustment values 1756 1762 1698
***** delaying boot 4000ms (per build configuration) *****
[00:00:00.328,000] <wrn> udc_rpi: BUS RESET
[00:00:00.408,000] <wrn> udc_rpi: BUS RESET
*** Booting Zephyr OS build v4.0.99 (delayed boot 4000ms) ***
[00:00:04.079,000] <inf> wsptdis_sample: MPU9250: Found device "mpu9250@68", getting sensor data
[00:00:04.079,000] <inf> wsptdis_sample: DOF: Configured for triggered sampling.
[00:00:04.079,000] <inf> wsptdis_sample: LPS22HB: Found device "lps22hb@5c", getting sensor data

[00:00:04.080,000] <inf> wsptdis_sample: TP: 101.45 AirPr. [hPa]
[00:00:04.080,000] <inf> wsptdis_sample: TP: 28.58 Temp. [C]
[00:00:04.087,000] <dbg> MPU9250: mpu9250_sample_fetch: magn_st2: 16
[00:00:04.087,000] <inf> wsptdis_sample: DOF: 0.174776 0.377086 10.339359 XYZ-Accel. [m/s/s]
[00:00:04.087,000] <inf> wsptdis_sample: DOF: -0.029843 0.015588 -0.023581 XYZ-Gyro. [rad/s]
[00:00:04.087,000] <inf> wsptdis_sample: DOF: 0.200184 -0.052860 -0.254700 XYZ-Magn. [uG]
[00:00:04.087,000] <inf> wsptdis_sample: DOF: 31.82 Temp. [C]

[00:00:06.082,000] <inf> wsptdis_sample: TP: 101.45 AirPr. [hPa]
[00:00:06.082,000] <inf> wsptdis_sample: TP: 28.65 Temp. [C]
[00:00:06.096,000] <dbg> MPU9250: mpu9250_sample_fetch: magn_st2: 16
[00:00:06.096,000] <inf> wsptdis_sample: DOF: 0.178966 0.384867 10.322600 XYZ-Accel. [m/s/s]
[00:00:06.096,000] <inf> wsptdis_sample: DOF: -0.030110 0.013056 -0.024248 XYZ-Gyro. [rad/s]
[00:00:06.096,000] <inf> wsptdis_sample: DOF: 0.189648 -0.063432 -0.261492 XYZ-Magn. [uG]
[00:00:06.096,000] <inf> wsptdis_sample: DOF: 31.93 Temp. [C]

[00:00:08.083,000] <inf> wsptdis_sample: TP: 101.45 AirPr. [hPa]
[00:00:08.083,000] <inf> wsptdis_sample: TP: 28.72 Temp. [C]
[00:00:08.106,000] <dbg> MPU9250: mpu9250_sample_fetch: magn_st2: 16
[00:00:08.106,000] <inf> wsptdis_sample: DOF: 0.168192 0.387262 10.321403 XYZ-Accel. [m/s/s]
[00:00:08.106,000] <inf> wsptdis_sample: DOF: -0.030243 0.013189 -0.024381 XYZ-Gyro. [rad/s]
[00:00:08.106,000] <inf> wsptdis_sample: DOF: 0.198428 -0.054622 -0.242814 XYZ-Magn. [uG]
[00:00:08.106,000] <inf> wsptdis_sample: DOF: 32.04 Temp. [C]