Zephyr Project API 4.0.99
A Scalable Open Source RTOS
No Matches

Access layer. More...

Data Structures

struct  bt_mesh_elem
 Abstraction that describes a Mesh Element. More...
struct  bt_mesh_model_op
 Model opcode handler. More...
struct  bt_mesh_model_pub
 Model publication context. More...
struct  bt_mesh_models_metadata_entry
 Models Metadata Entry struct. More...
struct  bt_mesh_model_cb
 Model callback functions. More...
struct  bt_mesh_mod_id_vnd
 Vendor model ID. More...
struct  bt_mesh_model
 Abstraction that describes a Mesh Model instance. More...
struct  bt_mesh_send_cb
 Callback structure for monitoring model message sending. More...
struct  bt_mesh_comp
 Node Composition. More...
struct  bt_mesh_comp2_record
 Composition data page 2 record. More...
struct  bt_mesh_comp2
 Node Composition data page 2. More...


#define BT_MESH_ADDR_IS_UNICAST(addr)   ((addr) && (addr) < 0x8000)
 Check if a Bluetooth Mesh address is a unicast address.
#define BT_MESH_ADDR_IS_GROUP(addr)   ((addr) >= 0xc000 && (addr) < 0xff00)
 Check if a Bluetooth Mesh address is a group address.
#define BT_MESH_ADDR_IS_FIXED_GROUP(addr)   ((addr) >= 0xff00 && (addr) < 0xffff)
 Check if a Bluetooth Mesh address is a fixed group address.
#define BT_MESH_ADDR_IS_VIRTUAL(addr)   ((addr) >= 0x8000 && (addr) < 0xc000)
 Check if a Bluetooth Mesh address is a virtual address.
#define BT_MESH_ADDR_IS_RFU(addr)   ((addr) >= 0xff00 && (addr) <= 0xfff8)
 Check if a Bluetooth Mesh address is an RFU address.
#define BT_MESH_IS_DEV_KEY(key)
 Check if a Bluetooth Mesh key is a device key.
#define BT_MESH_APP_SEG_SDU_MAX   12
 Maximum size of an access message segment (in octets).
 Maximum payload size of an unsegmented access message (in octets).
#define BT_MESH_RX_SEG_MAX   0
 Maximum number of segments supported for incoming messages.
#define BT_MESH_TX_SEG_MAX   0
 Maximum number of segments supported for outgoing messages.
 Maximum possible payload size of an outgoing access message (in octets).
 Maximum possible payload size of an incoming access message (in octets).
#define BT_MESH_ELEM(_loc, _mods, _vnd_mods)
 Helper to define a mesh element within an array.
#define BT_MESH_MODEL_OP_1(b0)   (b0)
#define BT_MESH_MODEL_OP_2(b0, b1)   (((b0) << 8) | (b1))
#define BT_MESH_MODEL_OP_3(b0, cid)   ((((b0) << 16) | 0xc00000) | (cid))
#define BT_MESH_LEN_EXACT(len)   (-len)
 Macro for encoding exact message length for fixed-length messages.
#define BT_MESH_LEN_MIN(len)   (len)
 Macro for encoding minimum message length for variable-length messages.
#define BT_MESH_MODEL_OP_END   { 0, 0, NULL }
 End of the opcode list.
 Helper to define an empty opcode list.
#define BT_MESH_MODEL_NONE   ((const struct bt_mesh_model []){})
 Helper to define an empty model array.
#define BT_MESH_MODEL_CNT_CB(_id, _op, _pub, _user_data, _keys, _grps, _cb)
 Composition data SIG model entry with callback functions with specific number of keys & groups.
#define BT_MESH_MODEL_CNT_VND_CB(_company, _id, _op, _pub, _user_data, _keys, _grps, _cb)
 Composition data vendor model entry with callback functions with specific number of keys & groups.
#define BT_MESH_MODEL_CB(_id, _op, _pub, _user_data, _cb)
 Composition data SIG model entry with callback functions.
#define BT_MESH_MODEL_METADATA_CB(_id, _op, _pub, _user_data, _cb, _metadata)    BT_MESH_MODEL_CB(_id, _op, _pub, _user_data, _cb)
 Composition data SIG model entry with callback functions and metadata.
#define BT_MESH_MODEL_VND_CB(_company, _id, _op, _pub, _user_data, _cb)
 Composition data vendor model entry with callback functions.
#define BT_MESH_MODEL_VND_METADATA_CB(_company, _id, _op, _pub, _user_data, _cb, _metadata)    BT_MESH_MODEL_VND_CB(_company, _id, _op, _pub, _user_data, _cb)
 Composition data vendor model entry with callback functions and metadata.
#define BT_MESH_MODEL(_id, _op, _pub, _user_data)    BT_MESH_MODEL_CB(_id, _op, _pub, _user_data, NULL)
 Composition data SIG model entry.
#define BT_MESH_MODEL_VND(_company, _id, _op, _pub, _user_data)    BT_MESH_MODEL_VND_CB(_company, _id, _op, _pub, _user_data, NULL)
 Composition data vendor model entry.
#define BT_MESH_TRANSMIT(count, int_ms)   ((count) | (((int_ms / 10) - 1) << 3))
 Encode transmission count & interval steps.
#define BT_MESH_TRANSMIT_COUNT(transmit)   (((transmit) & (uint8_t)BIT_MASK(3)))
 Decode transmit count from a transmit value.
#define BT_MESH_TRANSMIT_INT(transmit)   ((((transmit) >> 3) + 1) * 10)
 Decode transmit interval from a transmit value.
#define BT_MESH_PUB_TRANSMIT(count, int_ms)
 Encode Publish Retransmit count & interval steps.
 Decode Publish Retransmit count from a given value.
#define BT_MESH_PUB_TRANSMIT_INT(transmit)   ((((transmit) >> 3) + 1) * 50)
 Decode Publish Retransmit interval from a given value.
#define BT_MESH_PUB_MSG_TOTAL(pub)   (BT_MESH_PUB_TRANSMIT_COUNT((pub)->retransmit) + 1)
 Get total number of messages within one publication interval including initial publication.
#define BT_MESH_PUB_MSG_NUM(pub)   (BT_MESH_PUB_TRANSMIT_COUNT((pub)->retransmit) + 1 - (pub)->count)
 Get message number within one publication interval.
#define BT_MESH_MODEL_PUB_DEFINE(_name, _update, _msg_len)
 Define a model publication context.
#define BT_MESH_MODELS_METADATA_ENTRY(_len, _id, _data)
 Initialize a Models Metadata entry structure in a list.
 Helper to define an empty Models metadata array.
 End of the Models Metadata list.
#define BT_MESH_TTL_DEFAULT   0xff
 Special TTL value to request using configured default TTL.
#define BT_MESH_TTL_MAX   0x7f
 Maximum allowed TTL value.


int bt_mesh_model_send (const struct bt_mesh_model *model, struct bt_mesh_msg_ctx *ctx, struct net_buf_simple *msg, const struct bt_mesh_send_cb *cb, void *cb_data)
 Send an Access Layer message.
int bt_mesh_model_publish (const struct bt_mesh_model *model)
 Send a model publication message.
static bool bt_mesh_model_pub_is_retransmission (const struct bt_mesh_model *model)
 Check if a message is being retransmitted.
const struct bt_mesh_elembt_mesh_model_elem (const struct bt_mesh_model *mod)
 Get the element that a model belongs to.
const struct bt_mesh_modelbt_mesh_model_find (const struct bt_mesh_elem *elem, uint16_t id)
 Find a SIG model.
const struct bt_mesh_modelbt_mesh_model_find_vnd (const struct bt_mesh_elem *elem, uint16_t company, uint16_t id)
 Find a vendor model.
static bool bt_mesh_model_in_primary (const struct bt_mesh_model *mod)
 Get whether the model is in the primary element of the device.
int bt_mesh_model_data_store (const struct bt_mesh_model *mod, bool vnd, const char *name, const void *data, size_t data_len)
 Immediately store the model's user data in persistent storage.
void bt_mesh_model_data_store_schedule (const struct bt_mesh_model *mod)
 Schedule the model's user data store in persistent storage.
int bt_mesh_model_extend (const struct bt_mesh_model *extending_mod, const struct bt_mesh_model *base_mod)
 Let a model extend another.
int bt_mesh_model_correspond (const struct bt_mesh_model *corresponding_mod, const struct bt_mesh_model *base_mod)
 Let a model correspond to another.
bool bt_mesh_model_is_extended (const struct bt_mesh_model *model)
 Check if model is extended by another model.
int bt_mesh_comp_change_prepare (void)
 Indicate that the composition data will change on next bootup.
int bt_mesh_models_metadata_change_prepare (void)
 Indicate that the metadata will change on next bootup.
int bt_mesh_comp2_register (const struct bt_mesh_comp2 *comp2)
 Register composition data page 2 of the device.

Group addresses

#define BT_MESH_ADDR_UNASSIGNED   0x0000
#define BT_MESH_ADDR_ALL_NODES   0xffff
#define BT_MESH_ADDR_RELAYS   0xfffe
#define BT_MESH_ADDR_FRIENDS   0xfffd
#define BT_MESH_ADDR_PROXIES   0xfffc
#define BT_MESH_ADDR_DFW_NODES   0xfffb
#define BT_MESH_ADDR_IP_NODES   0xfffa
#define BT_MESH_ADDR_IP_BR_ROUTERS   0xfff9

Predefined key indexes

#define BT_MESH_KEY_UNUSED   0xffff
 Key unused.
#define BT_MESH_KEY_ANY   0xffff
 Any key index.
#define BT_MESH_KEY_DEV   0xfffe
 Device key.
 Local device key.
#define BT_MESH_KEY_DEV_REMOTE   0xfffd
 Remote device key.
#define BT_MESH_KEY_DEV_ANY   0xfffc
 Any device key.

Foundation Models

#define BT_MESH_MODEL_ID_CFG_SRV   0x0000
 Configuration Server.
#define BT_MESH_MODEL_ID_CFG_CLI   0x0001
 Configuration Client.
#define BT_MESH_MODEL_ID_HEALTH_SRV   0x0002
 Health Server.
#define BT_MESH_MODEL_ID_HEALTH_CLI   0x0003
 Health Client.
 Remote Provisioning Server.
 Remote Provisioning Client.
#define BT_MESH_MODEL_ID_BRG_CFG_SRV   0x0008
 Bridge Configuration Sever.
#define BT_MESH_MODEL_ID_BRG_CFG_CLI   0x0009
 Bridge Configuration Client.
 Private Beacon Server.
 Private Beacon Client.
#define BT_MESH_MODEL_ID_SAR_CFG_SRV   0x000e
 SAR Configuration Server.
#define BT_MESH_MODEL_ID_SAR_CFG_CLI   0x000f
 SAR Configuration Client.
#define BT_MESH_MODEL_ID_OP_AGG_SRV   0x0010
 Opcodes Aggregator Server.
#define BT_MESH_MODEL_ID_OP_AGG_CLI   0x0011
 Opcodes Aggregator Client.
 Large Composition Data Server.
 Large Composition Data Client.
 Solicitation PDU RPL Configuration Client.
 Solicitation PDU RPL Configuration Server.
 Private Proxy Server.
 Private Proxy Client.

Models from the Mesh Model Specification

 Generic OnOff Server.
 Generic OnOff Client.
 Generic Level Server.
 Generic Level Client.
 Generic Default Transition Time Server.
 Generic Default Transition Time Client.
 Generic Power OnOff Server.
 Generic Power OnOff Setup Server.
 Generic Power OnOff Client.
 Generic Power Level Server.
 Generic Power Level Setup Server.
 Generic Power Level Client.
 Generic Battery Server.
 Generic Battery Client.
 Generic Location Server.
 Generic Location Setup Server.
 Generic Location Client.
 Generic Admin Property Server.
 Generic Manufacturer Property Server.
 Generic User Property Server.
 Generic Client Property Server.
#define BT_MESH_MODEL_ID_GEN_PROP_CLI   0x1015
 Generic Property Client.
#define BT_MESH_MODEL_ID_SENSOR_SRV   0x1100
 Sensor Server.
 Sensor Setup Server.
#define BT_MESH_MODEL_ID_SENSOR_CLI   0x1102
 Sensor Client.
#define BT_MESH_MODEL_ID_TIME_SRV   0x1200
 Time Server.
 Time Setup Server.
#define BT_MESH_MODEL_ID_TIME_CLI   0x1202
 Time Client.
#define BT_MESH_MODEL_ID_SCENE_SRV   0x1203
 Scene Server.
 Scene Setup Server.
#define BT_MESH_MODEL_ID_SCENE_CLI   0x1205
 Scene Client.
 Scheduler Server.
 Scheduler Setup Server.
 Scheduler Client.
 Light Lightness Server.
 Light Lightness Setup Server.
 Light Lightness Client.
 Light CTL Server.
 Light CTL Setup Server.
 Light CTL Client.
 Light CTL Temperature Server.
 Light HSL Server.
 Light HSL Setup Server.
 Light HSL Client.
 Light HSL Hue Server.
 Light HSL Saturation Server.
 Light xyL Server.
 Light xyL Setup Server.
 Light xyL Client.
#define BT_MESH_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_LC_SRV   0x130f
 Light LC Server.
 Light LC Setup Server.
#define BT_MESH_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_LC_CLI   0x1311
 Light LC Client.

Models from the Mesh Binary Large Object Transfer Model Specification

#define BT_MESH_MODEL_ID_BLOB_SRV   0x1400
 BLOB Transfer Server.
#define BT_MESH_MODEL_ID_BLOB_CLI   0x1401
 BLOB Transfer Client.

Models from the Mesh Device Firmware Update Model Specification

#define BT_MESH_MODEL_ID_DFU_SRV   0x1402
 Firmware Update Server.
#define BT_MESH_MODEL_ID_DFU_CLI   0x1403
 Firmware Update Client.
#define BT_MESH_MODEL_ID_DFD_SRV   0x1404
 Firmware Distribution Server.
#define BT_MESH_MODEL_ID_DFD_CLI   0x1405
 Firmware Distribution Client.

Detailed Description

Access layer.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define BT_MESH_ADDR_ALL_NODES   0xffff


#define BT_MESH_ADDR_DFW_NODES   0xfffb

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>



#define BT_MESH_ADDR_FRIENDS   0xfffd


#define BT_MESH_ADDR_IP_BR_ROUTERS   0xfff9

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>



#define BT_MESH_ADDR_IP_NODES   0xfffa

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>



#define BT_MESH_ADDR_IS_FIXED_GROUP (   addr)    ((addr) >= 0xff00 && (addr) < 0xffff)

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Check if a Bluetooth Mesh address is a fixed group address.


#define BT_MESH_ADDR_IS_GROUP (   addr)    ((addr) >= 0xc000 && (addr) < 0xff00)

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Check if a Bluetooth Mesh address is a group address.


#define BT_MESH_ADDR_IS_RFU (   addr)    ((addr) >= 0xff00 && (addr) <= 0xfff8)

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Check if a Bluetooth Mesh address is an RFU address.


#define BT_MESH_ADDR_IS_UNICAST (   addr)    ((addr) && (addr) < 0x8000)

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Check if a Bluetooth Mesh address is a unicast address.


#define BT_MESH_ADDR_IS_VIRTUAL (   addr)    ((addr) >= 0x8000 && (addr) < 0xc000)

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Check if a Bluetooth Mesh address is a virtual address.


#define BT_MESH_ADDR_PROXIES   0xfffc


#define BT_MESH_ADDR_RELAYS   0xfffe


#define BT_MESH_ADDR_UNASSIGNED   0x0000


#define BT_MESH_APP_SEG_SDU_MAX   12

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Maximum size of an access message segment (in octets).



#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Maximum payload size of an unsegmented access message (in octets).


#define BT_MESH_ELEM (   _loc,

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

{ \
.rt = &(struct bt_mesh_elem_rt_ctx) { 0 }, \
.loc = (_loc), \
.model_count = ARRAY_SIZE(_mods), \
.vnd_model_count = ARRAY_SIZE(_vnd_mods), \
.models = (_mods), \
.vnd_models = (_vnd_mods), \
#define ARRAY_SIZE(array)
Number of elements in the given array.
Definition util.h:120

Helper to define a mesh element within an array.

In case the element has no SIG or Vendor models the helper macro BT_MESH_MODEL_NONE can be given instead.

_locLocation Descriptor.
_modsArray of models.
_vnd_modsArray of vendor models.


#define BT_MESH_IS_DEV_KEY (   key)

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

(key == BT_MESH_KEY_DEV_LOCAL || \
Local device key.
Definition access.h:70
Remote device key.
Definition access.h:71

Check if a Bluetooth Mesh key is a device key.


#define BT_MESH_KEY_ANY   0xffff

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Any key index.


#define BT_MESH_KEY_DEV   0xfffe


#define BT_MESH_KEY_DEV_ANY   0xfffc

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Any device key.



#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Local device key.


#define BT_MESH_KEY_DEV_REMOTE   0xfffd

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Remote device key.


#define BT_MESH_KEY_UNUSED   0xffff


#define BT_MESH_LEN_EXACT (   len)    (-len)

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Macro for encoding exact message length for fixed-length messages.


#define BT_MESH_LEN_MIN (   len)    (len)

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Macro for encoding minimum message length for variable-length messages.


#define BT_MESH_MODEL (   _id,
)     BT_MESH_MODEL_CB(_id, _op, _pub, _user_data, NULL)

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Composition data SIG model entry.

This macro uses compound literal feature of C99 standard and thus is available only from C, not C++.

_idModel ID.
_opArray of model opcode handlers.
_pubModel publish parameters.
_user_dataUser data for the model.


#define BT_MESH_MODEL_CB (   _id,

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

BT_MESH_MODEL_CNT_CB(_id, _op, _pub, _user_data, \
#define BT_MESH_MODEL_CNT_CB(_id, _op, _pub, _user_data, _keys, _grps, _cb)
Composition data SIG model entry with callback functions with specific number of keys & groups.
Definition access.h:436

Composition data SIG model entry with callback functions.

This macro uses compound literal feature of C99 standard and thus is available only from C, not C++.

_idModel ID.
_opArray of model opcode handlers.
_pubModel publish parameters.
_user_dataUser data for the model.
_cbCallback structure, or NULL to keep no callbacks.


#define BT_MESH_MODEL_CNT_CB (   _id,

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

{ \
.id = (_id), \
.pub = _pub, \
.keys = (uint16_t []) BT_MESH_MODEL_KEYS_UNUSED(_keys), \
.keys_cnt = _keys, \
.groups = (uint16_t []) BT_MESH_MODEL_GROUPS_UNASSIGNED(_grps), \
.groups_cnt = _grps, \
.op = _op, \
.cb = _cb, \
Definition access.h:21
Definition access.h:23
#define BT_MESH_MODEL_RUNTIME_INIT(_user_data)
Definition access.h:33
__UINT16_TYPE__ uint16_t
Definition stdint.h:89

Composition data SIG model entry with callback functions with specific number of keys & groups.

This macro uses compound literal feature of C99 standard and thus is available only from C, not C++.

_idModel ID.
_opArray of model opcode handlers.
_pubModel publish parameters.
_user_dataUser data for the model.
_keysNumber of keys that can be bound to the model. Shall not exceed
_grpsNumber of addresses that the model can be subscribed to. Shall not exceed
_cbCallback structure, or NULL to keep no callbacks.


#define BT_MESH_MODEL_CNT_VND_CB (   _company,

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

{ \
.vnd.company = (_company), \
.vnd.id = (_id), \
.op = _op, \
.pub = _pub, \
.keys = (uint16_t []) BT_MESH_MODEL_KEYS_UNUSED(_keys), \
.keys_cnt = _keys, \
.groups = (uint16_t []) BT_MESH_MODEL_GROUPS_UNASSIGNED(_grps), \
.groups_cnt = _grps, \
.cb = _cb, \

Composition data vendor model entry with callback functions with specific number of keys & groups.

This macro uses compound literal feature of C99 standard and thus is available only from C, not C++.

_companyCompany ID.
_idModel ID.
_opArray of model opcode handlers.
_pubModel publish parameters.
_user_dataUser data for the model.
_keysNumber of keys that can be bound to the model. Shall not exceed
_grpsNumber of addresses that the model can be subscribed to. Shall not exceed
_cbCallback structure, or NULL to keep no callbacks.


#define BT_MESH_MODEL_ID_BLOB_CLI   0x1401

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

BLOB Transfer Client.


#define BT_MESH_MODEL_ID_BLOB_SRV   0x1400

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

BLOB Transfer Server.


#define BT_MESH_MODEL_ID_BRG_CFG_CLI   0x0009

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Bridge Configuration Client.


#define BT_MESH_MODEL_ID_BRG_CFG_SRV   0x0008

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Bridge Configuration Sever.


#define BT_MESH_MODEL_ID_CFG_CLI   0x0001

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Configuration Client.


#define BT_MESH_MODEL_ID_CFG_SRV   0x0000

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Configuration Server.


#define BT_MESH_MODEL_ID_DFD_CLI   0x1405

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Firmware Distribution Client.


#define BT_MESH_MODEL_ID_DFD_SRV   0x1404

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Firmware Distribution Server.


#define BT_MESH_MODEL_ID_DFU_CLI   0x1403

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Firmware Update Client.


#define BT_MESH_MODEL_ID_DFU_SRV   0x1402

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Firmware Update Server.



#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Generic Admin Property Server.



#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Generic Battery Client.



#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Generic Battery Server.



#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Generic Client Property Server.



#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Generic Default Transition Time Client.



#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Generic Default Transition Time Server.



#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Generic Level Client.



#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Generic Level Server.



#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Generic Location Client.



#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Generic Location Setup Server.



#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Generic Location Server.



#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Generic Manufacturer Property Server.



#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Generic OnOff Client.



#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Generic OnOff Server.



#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Generic Power Level Client.



#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Generic Power Level Setup Server.



#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Generic Power Level Server.



#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Generic Power OnOff Client.



#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Generic Power OnOff Setup Server.



#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Generic Power OnOff Server.


#define BT_MESH_MODEL_ID_GEN_PROP_CLI   0x1015

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Generic Property Client.



#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Generic User Property Server.


#define BT_MESH_MODEL_ID_HEALTH_CLI   0x0003

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Health Client.


#define BT_MESH_MODEL_ID_HEALTH_SRV   0x0002

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Health Server.



#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Large Composition Data Client.



#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Large Composition Data Server.



#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Light CTL Client.



#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Light CTL Setup Server.



#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Light CTL Server.



#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Light CTL Temperature Server.



#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Light HSL Client.



#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Light HSL Hue Server.



#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Light HSL Saturation Server.



#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Light HSL Setup Server.



#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Light HSL Server.


#define BT_MESH_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_LC_CLI   0x1311

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Light LC Client.



#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Light LC Setup Server.


#define BT_MESH_MODEL_ID_LIGHT_LC_SRV   0x130f

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Light LC Server.



#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Light Lightness Client.



#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Light Lightness Setup Server.



#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Light Lightness Server.



#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Light xyL Client.



#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Light xyL Setup Server.



#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Light xyL Server.



#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Private Proxy Client.



#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Private Proxy Server.


#define BT_MESH_MODEL_ID_OP_AGG_CLI   0x0011

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Opcodes Aggregator Client.


#define BT_MESH_MODEL_ID_OP_AGG_SRV   0x0010

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Opcodes Aggregator Server.



#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Private Beacon Client.



#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Private Beacon Server.



#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Remote Provisioning Client.



#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Remote Provisioning Server.


#define BT_MESH_MODEL_ID_SAR_CFG_CLI   0x000f

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

SAR Configuration Client.


#define BT_MESH_MODEL_ID_SAR_CFG_SRV   0x000e

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

SAR Configuration Server.


#define BT_MESH_MODEL_ID_SCENE_CLI   0x1205

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Scene Client.



#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Scene Setup Server.


#define BT_MESH_MODEL_ID_SCENE_SRV   0x1203

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Scene Server.



#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Scheduler Client.



#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Scheduler Setup Server.



#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Scheduler Server.


#define BT_MESH_MODEL_ID_SENSOR_CLI   0x1102

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Sensor Client.



#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Sensor Setup Server.


#define BT_MESH_MODEL_ID_SENSOR_SRV   0x1100

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Sensor Server.



#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Solicitation PDU RPL Configuration Server.



#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Solicitation PDU RPL Configuration Client.


#define BT_MESH_MODEL_ID_TIME_CLI   0x1202

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Time Client.



#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Time Setup Server.


#define BT_MESH_MODEL_ID_TIME_SRV   0x1200

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Time Server.


#define BT_MESH_MODEL_METADATA_CB (   _id,
)     BT_MESH_MODEL_CB(_id, _op, _pub, _user_data, _cb)

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Composition data SIG model entry with callback functions and metadata.

This macro uses compound literal feature of C99 standard and thus is available only from C, not C++.

_idModel ID.
_opArray of model opcode handlers.
_pubModel publish parameters.
_user_dataUser data for the model.
_cbCallback structure, or NULL to keep no callbacks.
_metadataMetadata structure. Used if
is enabled.



#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

((struct bt_mesh_model_op []) \
End of the opcode list.
Definition access.h:399
Model opcode handler.
Definition access.h:363

Helper to define an empty opcode list.

This macro uses compound literal feature of C99 standard and thus is available only from C, not C++.


#define BT_MESH_MODEL_NONE   ((const struct bt_mesh_model []){})

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Helper to define an empty model array.

This macro uses compound literal feature of C99 standard and thus is available only from C, not C++.


#define BT_MESH_MODEL_OP_1 (   b0)    (b0)


#define BT_MESH_MODEL_OP_2 (   b0,
)    (((b0) << 8) | (b1))


#define BT_MESH_MODEL_OP_3 (   b0,
)    ((((b0) << 16) | 0xc00000) | (cid))


#define BT_MESH_MODEL_OP_END   { 0, 0, NULL }

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

End of the opcode list.

Must always be present.


#define BT_MESH_MODEL_PUB_DEFINE (   _name,

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

NET_BUF_SIMPLE_DEFINE_STATIC(bt_mesh_pub_msg_##_name, _msg_len); \
static struct bt_mesh_model_pub _name = { \
.msg = &bt_mesh_pub_msg_##_name, \
.update = _update, \
#define NET_BUF_SIMPLE_DEFINE_STATIC(_name, _size)
Define a static net_buf_simple variable.
Definition net_buf.h:67
Model publication context.
Definition access.h:708
int(* update)(const struct bt_mesh_model *mod)
Callback for updating the publication buffer.
Definition access.h:757
struct net_buf_simple * msg
Publication buffer, containing the publication message.
Definition access.h:737

Define a model publication context.

_nameVariable name given to the context.
_updateOptional message update callback (may be NULL).
_msg_lenLength of the publication message.


#define BT_MESH_MODEL_VND (   _company,
)     BT_MESH_MODEL_VND_CB(_company, _id, _op, _pub, _user_data, NULL)

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Composition data vendor model entry.

This macro uses compound literal feature of C99 standard and thus is available only from C, not C++.

_companyCompany ID.
_idModel ID.
_opArray of model opcode handlers.
_pubModel publish parameters.
_user_dataUser data for the model.


#define BT_MESH_MODEL_VND_CB (   _company,

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

BT_MESH_MODEL_CNT_VND_CB(_company, _id, _op, _pub, _user_data, \
#define BT_MESH_MODEL_CNT_VND_CB(_company, _id, _op, _pub, _user_data, _keys, _grps, _cb)
Composition data vendor model entry with callback functions with specific number of keys & groups.
Definition access.h:468

Composition data vendor model entry with callback functions.

This macro uses compound literal feature of C99 standard and thus is available only from C, not C++.

_companyCompany ID.
_idModel ID.
_opArray of model opcode handlers.
_pubModel publish parameters.
_user_dataUser data for the model.
_cbCallback structure, or NULL to keep no callbacks.


#define BT_MESH_MODEL_VND_METADATA_CB (   _company,
)     BT_MESH_MODEL_VND_CB(_company, _id, _op, _pub, _user_data, _cb)

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Composition data vendor model entry with callback functions and metadata.

This macro uses compound literal feature of C99 standard and thus is available only from C, not C++.

_companyCompany ID.
_idModel ID.
_opArray of model opcode handlers.
_pubModel publish parameters.
_user_dataUser data for the model.
_cbCallback structure, or NULL to keep no callbacks.
_metadataMetadata structure. Used if
is enabled.



#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

End of the Models Metadata list.

Must always be present.



#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

{ \
.len = (_len), .id = _id, .data = _data, \

Initialize a Models Metadata entry structure in a list.

_lenLength of the metadata entry.
_idID of the Models Metadata entry.
_dataPointer to a contiguous memory that contains the metadata.



#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Helper to define an empty Models metadata array.


#define BT_MESH_PUB_MSG_NUM (   pub)    (BT_MESH_PUB_TRANSMIT_COUNT((pub)->retransmit) + 1 - (pub)->count)

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Get message number within one publication interval.

Meant to be used inside bt_mesh_model_pub::update.

pubModel publication context.
message number starting from 1.


#define BT_MESH_PUB_MSG_TOTAL (   pub)    (BT_MESH_PUB_TRANSMIT_COUNT((pub)->retransmit) + 1)

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Get total number of messages within one publication interval including initial publication.

pubModel publication context.
total number of messages.


#define BT_MESH_PUB_TRANSMIT (   count,

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

(int_ms) / 5)
#define BT_MESH_TRANSMIT(count, int_ms)
Encode transmission count & interval steps.
Definition access.h:631

Encode Publish Retransmit count & interval steps.

countNumber of retransmissions (first transmission is excluded).
int_msInterval steps in milliseconds. Must be greater than 0 and a multiple of 50.
Mesh transmit value that can be used e.g. for the default values of the configuration model data.


#define BT_MESH_PUB_TRANSMIT_COUNT (   transmit)    BT_MESH_TRANSMIT_COUNT(transmit)

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Decode Publish Retransmit count from a given value.

transmitEncoded Publish Retransmit count & interval value.
Retransmission count (actual transmissions is N + 1).


#define BT_MESH_PUB_TRANSMIT_INT (   transmit)    ((((transmit) >> 3) + 1) * 50)

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Decode Publish Retransmit interval from a given value.

transmitEncoded Publish Retransmit count & interval value.
Transmission interval in milliseconds.



#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Maximum number of segments supported for incoming messages.
Definition access.h:114
Maximum payload size of an unsegmented access message (in octets).
Definition access.h:108
Maximum size of an access message segment (in octets).
Definition access.h:105
#define MAX(a, b)
Obtain the maximum of two values.
Definition util.h:386

Maximum possible payload size of an incoming access message (in octets).


#define BT_MESH_RX_SEG_MAX   0

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Maximum number of segments supported for incoming messages.


#define BT_MESH_TRANSMIT (   count,
)    ((count) | (((int_ms / 10) - 1) << 3))

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Encode transmission count & interval steps.

countNumber of retransmissions (first transmission is excluded).
int_msInterval steps in milliseconds. Must be greater than 0, less than or equal to 320, and a multiple of 10.
Mesh transmit value that can be used e.g. for the default values of the configuration model data.


#define BT_MESH_TRANSMIT_COUNT (   transmit)    (((transmit) & (uint8_t)BIT_MASK(3)))

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Decode transmit count from a transmit value.

transmitEncoded transmit count & interval value.
Transmission count (actual transmissions is N + 1).


#define BT_MESH_TRANSMIT_INT (   transmit)    ((((transmit) >> 3) + 1) * 10)

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Decode transmit interval from a transmit value.

transmitEncoded transmit count & interval value.
Transmission interval in milliseconds.


#define BT_MESH_TTL_DEFAULT   0xff

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Special TTL value to request using configured default TTL.


#define BT_MESH_TTL_MAX   0x7f

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Maximum allowed TTL value.



#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Maximum number of segments supported for outgoing messages.
Definition access.h:121

Maximum possible payload size of an outgoing access message (in octets).


#define BT_MESH_TX_SEG_MAX   0

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Maximum number of segments supported for outgoing messages.

Function Documentation

◆ bt_mesh_comp2_register()

int bt_mesh_comp2_register ( const struct bt_mesh_comp2 comp2)

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Register composition data page 2 of the device.

Register Mesh Profiles information (Ref section 3.12 in Bluetooth SIG Assigned Numbers) for composition data page 2 of the device.

There must be at least one record present in comp2
comp2Pointer to composition data page 2.
Zero on success or (negative) error code otherwise.

◆ bt_mesh_comp_change_prepare()

int bt_mesh_comp_change_prepare ( void  )

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Indicate that the composition data will change on next bootup.

Tell the config server that the composition data is expected to change on the next bootup, and the current composition data should be backed up.

Zero on success or (negative) error code otherwise.

◆ bt_mesh_model_correspond()

int bt_mesh_model_correspond ( const struct bt_mesh_model corresponding_mod,
const struct bt_mesh_model base_mod 

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Let a model correspond to another.

Mesh models may correspond to each other, which means that if one is present, other must be present too. A Mesh model may correspond to any number of models, in any element. All models connected together via correspondence form single Correspondence Group, which has it's unique Correspondence ID. Information about Correspondence is used to construct Composition Data Page 1.

This function must be called on already initialized base_mod. Because this function is designed to be called in corresponding_mod initializer, this means that base_mod shall be initialized before corresponding_mod is.

corresponding_modMesh model that is corresponding to the base model.
base_modThe model being corresponded to.
Return values
0Successfully saved correspondence to the base_mod model.
-ENOMEMThere is no more space to save this relation.
-ENOTSUPComposition Data Page 1 is not supported.

◆ bt_mesh_model_data_store()

int bt_mesh_model_data_store ( const struct bt_mesh_model mod,
bool  vnd,
const char *  name,
const void *  data,
size_t  data_len 

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Immediately store the model's user data in persistent storage.

modMesh model.
vndThis is a vendor model.
nameName/key of the settings item. Only SETTINGS_MAX_DIR_DEPTH bytes will be used at most.
dataModel data to store, or NULL to delete any model data.
data_lenLength of the model data.
0 on success, or (negative) error code on failure.

◆ bt_mesh_model_data_store_schedule()

void bt_mesh_model_data_store_schedule ( const struct bt_mesh_model mod)

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Schedule the model's user data store in persistent storage.

This function triggers the bt_mesh_model_cb::pending_store callback for the corresponding model after delay defined by



The delay is global for all models. Once scheduled, the callback can not be re-scheduled until previous schedule completes.

modMesh model.

◆ bt_mesh_model_elem()

const struct bt_mesh_elem * bt_mesh_model_elem ( const struct bt_mesh_model mod)

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Get the element that a model belongs to.

modMesh model.
Pointer to the element that the given model belongs to.

◆ bt_mesh_model_extend()

int bt_mesh_model_extend ( const struct bt_mesh_model extending_mod,
const struct bt_mesh_model base_mod 

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Let a model extend another.

Mesh models may be extended to reuse their functionality, forming a more complex model. A Mesh model may extend any number of models, in any element. The extensions may also be nested, ie a model that extends another may itself be extended.

A set of models that extend each other form a model extension list.

All models in an extension list share one subscription list per element. The access layer will utilize the combined subscription list of all models in an extension list and element, giving the models extended subscription list capacity.



is enabled, it is not allowed to call this function before the bt_mesh_model_cb::init callback is called for both models, except if it is called as part of the final callback.

extending_modMesh model that is extending the base model.
base_modThe model being extended.
Return values
0Successfully extended the base_mod model.

◆ bt_mesh_model_find()

const struct bt_mesh_model * bt_mesh_model_find ( const struct bt_mesh_elem elem,
uint16_t  id 

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Find a SIG model.

elemElement to search for the model in.
idModel ID of the model.
A pointer to the Mesh model matching the given parameters, or NULL if no SIG model with the given ID exists in the given element.

◆ bt_mesh_model_find_vnd()

const struct bt_mesh_model * bt_mesh_model_find_vnd ( const struct bt_mesh_elem elem,
uint16_t  company,
uint16_t  id 

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Find a vendor model.

elemElement to search for the model in.
companyCompany ID of the model.
idModel ID of the model.
A pointer to the Mesh model matching the given parameters, or NULL if no vendor model with the given ID exists in the given element.

◆ bt_mesh_model_in_primary()

static bool bt_mesh_model_in_primary ( const struct bt_mesh_model mod)

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Get whether the model is in the primary element of the device.

modMesh model.
true if the model is on the primary element, false otherwise.

◆ bt_mesh_model_is_extended()

bool bt_mesh_model_is_extended ( const struct bt_mesh_model model)

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Check if model is extended by another model.

modelThe model to check.
Return values
trueIf model is extended by another model, otherwise false

◆ bt_mesh_model_pub_is_retransmission()

static bool bt_mesh_model_pub_is_retransmission ( const struct bt_mesh_model model)

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Check if a message is being retransmitted.

Meant to be used inside the bt_mesh_model_pub::update callback.

modelMesh Model that supports publication.
true if this is a retransmission, false if this is a first publication.

◆ bt_mesh_model_publish()

int bt_mesh_model_publish ( const struct bt_mesh_model model)

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Send a model publication message.

Before calling this function, the user needs to ensure that the model publication message (bt_mesh_model_pub::msg) contains a valid message to be sent. Note that this API is only to be used for non-period publishing. For periodic publishing the app only needs to make sure that bt_mesh_model_pub::msg contains a valid message whenever the bt_mesh_model_pub::update callback is called.

modelMesh (client) Model that's publishing the message.
0 on success, or (negative) error code on failure.

◆ bt_mesh_model_send()

int bt_mesh_model_send ( const struct bt_mesh_model model,
struct bt_mesh_msg_ctx ctx,
struct net_buf_simple msg,
const struct bt_mesh_send_cb cb,
void *  cb_data 

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Send an Access Layer message.

modelMesh (client) Model that the message belongs to.
ctxMessage context, includes keys, TTL, etc.
msgAccess Layer payload (the actual message to be sent).
cbOptional "message sent" callback.
cb_dataUser data to be passed to the callback.
0 on success, or (negative) error code on failure.

◆ bt_mesh_models_metadata_change_prepare()

int bt_mesh_models_metadata_change_prepare ( void  )

#include <include/zephyr/bluetooth/mesh/access.h>

Indicate that the metadata will change on next bootup.

Tell the config server that the models metadata is expected to change on the next bootup, and the current models metadata should be backed up.

Zero on success or (negative) error code otherwise.