
An application to demonstrate firmware-upgrade over the air (FUOTA) over LoRaWAN.

The following services specified by the LoRa Alliance are used:

The FUOTA process is started by the application and afterwards runs in the background in its own work queue thread. After a firmware upgrade is successfully received, the application is notified via a callback and can reboot the device into MCUboot to apply the upgrade.

A LoRaWAN Application Server implementing the relevant services is required for this sample to work.

Building and Running

This sample can be found under samples/subsys/lorawan/fuota in the Zephyr tree.

Before building the sample, make sure to select the correct region in the prj.conf file.

The following commands build and flash the sample.

west build -b nucleo_wl55jc samples/subsys/lorawan/fuota
west flash