Here is a list of all struct and union fields with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- f -
- f : ft8xx_touch_transform
- f_active : fcb
- f_active_id : fcb
- f_align : fcb
- f_bfree : fs_statvfs
- f_blocks : fs_statvfs
- f_bsize : fs_statvfs
- f_erase_value : fcb
- f_frsize : fs_statvfs
- f_magic : fcb
- f_max : sdhc_host_props
- f_min : sdhc_host_props
- f_mtx : fcb
- f_oldest : fcb
- f_scratch_cnt : fcb
- f_sector_cnt : fcb
- f_sectors : fcb
- f_version : fcb
- fa : img_mgmt_slot_info_slot
- fa_dev : flash_area
- fa_id : flash_area
- fa_off : flash_area
- fa_size : flash_area
- factor : bt_conn_le_subrate_changed, bt_conn_le_subrating_info
- fail_count : ztest_suite_stats, ztest_unit_test_stats
- fail_reason : wifi_ps_params, wifi_twt_params
- failed_cnt : bt_hci_rp_le_iso_test_end, bt_hci_rp_le_read_test_counters
- fal_size : bt_hci_rp_le_read_fal_size
- family : net_icmp_ip_hdr, w1_rom
- fap : fcb, fcb_entry_ctx
- fast_period : bt_mesh_model_pub
- fault_cb : lwm2m_ctx
- fault_clear : bt_mesh_health_srv_cb
- fault_count : xen_domctl_shadow_op_stats
- fault_get_cur : bt_mesh_health_srv_cb
- fault_get_reg : bt_mesh_health_srv_cb
- fault_status : bt_mesh_health_cli
- fault_test : bt_mesh_health_srv_cb
- fb_addr_hi : multiboot_info
- fb_addr_lo : multiboot_info
- fb_bpp : multiboot_info
- fb_color_info : multiboot_info
- fb_height : multiboot_info
- fb_pitch : multiboot_info
- fb_type : multiboot_info
- fb_width : multiboot_info
- fc : modbus_adu
- fd : http_client_ctx, zsock_pollfd, zvfs_pollfd
- fdev : stream_flash_ctx
- fdf : can_mcan_rx_fifo_hdr, can_mcan_tx_buffer_hdr, can_mcan_tx_event_fifo
- fds : shell_mqtt, shell_telnet, shell_websocket
- fe_data_len : fcb_entry
- fe_data_off : fcb_entry
- fe_elem_off : fcb_entry
- fe_sector : fcb_entry
- feat : bt_mesh_cfg_cli_hb_pub, bt_mesh_comp_p0, bt_mesh_hb_pub
- feature_halt : usbd_class_api
- feature_handle : bt_ots_client
- feature_update_cb : usb_audio_ops
- features : bt_conn_br_remote_info, bt_conn_le_remote_info, bt_hci_evt_le_remote_feat_complete, bt_hci_evt_remote_ext_features, bt_hci_evt_remote_features, bt_hci_rp_le_read_local_features, bt_hci_rp_read_local_features, bt_hci_rp_vs_read_supported_features, bt_ots_client, bt_ots_init_param
- feedback_cb : uac2_ops
- fetch : coap_resource
- fg_status : fuel_gauge_prop_val
- fidx : can_mcan_rx_fifo_hdr
- field_data : http_parser_url
- field_name : json_obj_descr
- field_name_len : json_obj_descr
- field_set : http_parser_url
- fields : pfc_drive_reg
- fifo : k_poll_event, net_pkt, net_traffic_class, smp_transport, udc_ep_config
- fifo_address : dai_properties
- fifo_depth : dai_properties
- fifo_mode_control : dma_block_config
- fifo_reserved : net_context, uart_mcumgr_rx_buf
- file : loopback_disk_access
- file_fmt : sd_csd
- file_path : loopback_disk_access
- filename : fs_mgmt_file_access
- filep : fs_file_t
- fill_current_cts_time : bt_cts_cb
- filter : bt_mesh_brg_cfg_filter_netkey, can_sja1000_rx_filter, ieee802154_radio_api, modem_chat, modem_chat_config, wifi_filter_info, wifi_mgmt_ops
- filter_count : comp_mcux_acmp_filter_config
- filter_dup : bt_hci_cp_le_set_ext_scan_enable, bt_hci_cp_le_set_scan_enable, bt_hci_cp_mesh_set_scan_filter
- filter_period : comp_mcux_acmp_filter_config
- filter_policy : bt_hci_cp_le_create_conn, bt_hci_cp_le_ext_create_conn, bt_hci_cp_le_ext_create_conn_v2, bt_hci_cp_le_set_adv_param, bt_hci_cp_le_set_ext_adv_param, bt_hci_cp_le_set_ext_adv_param_v2, bt_hci_cp_le_set_ext_scan_param, bt_hci_cp_le_set_scan_param
- filter_size : modem_chat, modem_chat_config
- filters : can_sja1000_data, log_link_ctrl_blk, log_source_dynamic_data
- final_chunk : http_response_ctx
- finalize : llext_loader
- find_emul : emul_espi_driver_api, emul_mspi_driver_api
- finished : ppp_fsm
- first_addr : symtab_info
- first_char : cfb_font
- first_gfn : xen_domctl_memory_mapping
- first_mfn : xen_domctl_iomem_permission, xen_domctl_memory_mapping
- first_octet : sim7080_sms
- fit : sensor_decode_context
- fix_quality : gnss_info
- fix_status : gnss_info, sim7080_gnss_data
- fixed : log_msg_source, pd_rdo
- flag : pthread_once
- flags : acpi_irq_resource, bt_gatt_ccc, bt_gatt_scc, bt_gatt_subscribe_params, bt_iso_recv_info, bt_l2cap_br_chan, bt_mesh_cdb, bt_mesh_cdb_node, bt_mesh_dfu_cli, bt_mesh_model::bt_mesh_model_rt_ctx, bt_mesh_rpr_unprov, bt_security_info, bt_tbs_client_call_state, bt_vcp_vol_ctlr_cb, bt_vcp_vol_rend_cb, can_filter, can_frame, cipher_ctx, conn_mgr_conn_binding, counter_alarm_cfg, counter_config_info, counter_top_cfg, fs_file_t, fs_mount_t, fuel_gauge_prop_val, gnttab_map_grant_ref, gptp_hdr, grant_entry, hash_ctx, http2_frame, http_parser, i2c_msg, i2c_target_config, i3c_msg, i3c_target_config, ieee802154_context, img_mgmt_state_slot_encode, ipm_console_receiver_config_info, ipm_console_sender_config_info, isotp_msg_id, k_msgq, k_object, k_p4wq, k_p4wq_initparam, k_pipe, k_work, k_work_q, maxim_ds3231_alarm, mcumgr_image_data, mipi_dsi_msg, mpsc_pbuf_buffer, mpsc_pbuf_buffer_config, multiboot_info, net_buf, net_context, net_if_dev, onoff_manager, pcie_ctrl_config, pcie_scan_opt, peci_msg, pinctrl_soc_pin, pm_device_base, ppp_context, ppp_fsm, psa_storage_info_t, pwm_dt_spec, rtio_cqe, rtio_sqe, scmi_clock_rate_config, scmi_power_state_config, sd_card, sd_csd, sd_scr, sensing_sensor_register_info, shell_backend_cfg, shell_backend_ctx, socketcan_filter, socketcan_frame, spsc_pbuf_common, sys_notify, tee_shm, vector_desc_t, wdt_timeout_cfg, wifi_credentials_header, xen_domctl_assign_device, xen_domctl_createdomain, xen_domctl_getdomaininfo, xen_domctl_sched_rtds
- flags_l : segment_descriptor
- flash_addr : espi_flash_packet, espi_saf_packet
- flash_area : flash_img_context
- flash_cfgs : espi_saf_cfg
- flash_device : nvs_fs, zms_fs
- flash_parameters : nvs_fs, zms_fs
- floatRegsUnion : s_preempFloatReg
- flow_control : net_stats_eth
- flow_control_mode : dma_block_config
- flow_ctrl : uart_config
- flow_enable : bt_hci_cp_set_ctl_to_host_flow
- flow_id : wifi_twt_flow_info, wifi_twt_params
- flush : video_driver_api
- flush_timeout : bt_iso_unicast_tx_info
- flusher : k_work_sync
- fmt : cbprintf_package_hdr_ext, coap_client_request
- fmt1 : i3c_ccc_getcaps, i3c_ccc_getmxds, i3c_ccc_getstatus
- fmt2 : i3c_ccc_getcaps, i3c_ccc_getmxds, i3c_ccc_getstatus
- fmt3 : i3c_ccc_getmxds
- fn : npf_test
- fnc : s_isrList
- force : os_mgmt_reset_data, wifi_reg_domain
- foreign_domid : xen_add_to_physmap_batch
- format : bt_gatt_cpf, bt_iso_chan_path, bt_mesh_comp_p1_model_item, dai_config, i2s_config, os_mgmt_info_check, osdp_event_cardread, video_frmival_enum
- format_bitmask : os_mgmt_info_append, os_mgmt_info_check
- format_caps : video_caps
- format_set : log_backend_api
- forwarded : net_stats_ip
- fpRegs : s_preempFloatReg
- fpRegsEx : s_preempFloatReg
- fprintf_ctx : shell
- fpscr : fpu_ctx_full
- fpu : arch_esf
- fract_nsecond : net_ptp_extended_time
- fraction : sntp_time
- fractions256 : bt_cts_time_format
- frag_pref : bt_hci_cp_le_set_ext_adv_data, bt_hci_cp_le_set_ext_scan_rsp_data
- fragerr : net_stats_ip_errors
- frags : net_buf, net_pkt
- frame : grant_entry
- frame_clk_freq : i2s_config
- frame_counter : ieee802154_config, ieee802154_security_ctx
- frame_counter_per_key : ieee802154_key
- frame_incomplete : display_buffer_descriptor
- frame_length : wifi_raw_scan_result
- frame_preempt_statuses : ethernet_qbu_param
- framing : bt_bap_qos_cfg, bt_hci_cp_le_create_big, bt_hci_cp_le_create_big_test, bt_hci_cp_le_set_cig_params, bt_hci_cp_le_set_cig_params_test, bt_hci_evt_le_biginfo_adv_report, bt_hci_evt_le_cis_established_v2, bt_iso_big_create_param, bt_iso_biginfo, bt_iso_cig_param
- free : dma_status, net_buf_pool
- free_buf_cnt : uart_async_rx
- free_bytes : sys_memory_stats
- free_cb : heap_listener
- free_q : rtio_cqe_pool, rtio_sqe_pool
- freeaddrinfo : socket_dns_offload
- freq : counter_config_info, mipi_stp_decoder_data, mspi_dev_cfg
- frequency : lora_modem_config, spi_config, wifi_raw_scan_result
- frequency_compensation : bt_conn_le_cs_subevent_result, bt_hci_evt_le_cs_subevent_result
- friend_status : bt_mesh_cfg_cli_cb
- friendly_name : bt_tbs_client_cb, sensing_sensor_info
- from_channel : ieee802154_phy_channel_range
- frs_required : pd_fixed_supply_pdo_sink
- fs : arch_esf, fs_mount_t, gdb_interrupt_ctx, task_state_segment
- fs_configs : usbd_context
- fs_data : fs_mount_t
- fs_desc : usbd_context
- fs_off : flash_sector
- fs_path : http_resource_detail_static_fs
- fs_size : ext2_cfg, flash_sector
- fsm : ppp_context
- ft_used : wifi_connect_req_params
- full : ieee802154_header_ie_csl, ieee802154_header_ie_rendezvous_time
- full_charge_capacity : fuel_gauge_prop_val
- full_ohms : voltage_divider_dt_spec
- func : bt_gatt_discover_params, bt_gatt_exchange_params, bt_gatt_indicate_params, bt_gatt_notify_params, bt_gatt_read_params, bt_gatt_write_params, bt_hci_raw_cmd_ext, bt_mesh_model_op, bt_sdp_discover_params, log_output, pinctrl_soc_pin, rcar_pin_func, tee_invoke_func_arg
- func0 : sd_card
- func_id : sdio_cis
- function : acpi_dmar_id, can_mcan_rx_callback, can_mcan_tx_callback, fs_mgmt_hash_checksum_group, scmi_pinctrl_settings
- functions : smp_transport
- futex : sys_sem
- futex_data : k_object_data
- fw_app_version : ccs811_configver_type
- fw_boot_version : ccs811_configver_type
- fw_build : bt_hci_rp_vs_read_version_info
- fw_core_type : bt_mesh_dfu_metadata
- fw_revision : bt_hci_rp_vs_read_version_info
- fw_size : bt_mesh_dfu_metadata
- fw_variant : bt_hci_rp_vs_read_version_info
- fw_ver : bt_mesh_dfu_metadata
- fw_version : bt_hci_rp_vs_read_version_info, wifi_version
- fw_version_number : tcpc_chip_info
- fwid : bt_mesh_dfu_img, bt_mesh_dfu_slot
- fwid_len : bt_mesh_dfu_img, bt_mesh_dfu_slot
- fwrite : shell_fprintf
- fxsave : arch_esf, x86_ssf