Zephyr Project API 4.0.99
A Scalable Open Source RTOS
Cacpi_dev | |
Cacpi_dmar_id | |
Cacpi_irq_resource | |
Cacpi_mcfg | |
Cacpi_mmio_resource | |
Cacpi_reg_base | |
Cadc_channel_cfg | Structure for specifying the configuration of an ADC channel |
Cadc_driver_api | ADC driver API |
Cadc_dt_spec | Container for ADC channel information specified in devicetree |
Cadc_npcx_threshold_param | |
Cadc_sequence | Structure defining an ADC sampling sequence |
Cadc_sequence_options | Structure defining additional options for an ADC sampling sequence |
Caddress_trans_params | Parameters for address_trans_init |
Caddress_trans_region_config | Region config structure |
Caiocb | |
Canalog_axis_calibration | Analog axis calibration data structure |
Carc_connect_bcr | |
Carc_connect_cmd | |
Carc_connect_idu_bcr | |
Carc_mpu_config | |
Carc_mpu_region | |
►Carch_esf | Exception Stack Frame |
Carch_mem_domain | |
Carch_shared_info | |
Carch_vcpu_info | |
Carm_clock_control_t | |
Carm_mmu_config | |
Carm_mmu_ptables | |
Carm_mmu_region | |
Carm_mpu_config | |
Carm_mpu_region | |
Carm_mpu_region_attr | |
Carm_smccc_res | |
Catmel_sam_pmc_config | |
Caudio_codec_cfg | Codec configuration parameters |
Caudio_dai_cfg_t | Digital Audio Interface Configuration |
Caudio_property_value_t | Codec property values |
Cauxdisplay_capabilities | Structure holding display capabilities |
Cauxdisplay_character | Structure for a custom character |
Cauxdisplay_custom_data | Structure for a custom command |
Cauxdisplay_light | Light levels for brightness and/or backlight |
Cbbram_driver_api | |
Cbc12_partner_state | BC1.2 detected partner state |
Cbindesc_entry | |
Cbindesc_handle | |
Cbt_a2dp_cb | The connecting callback |
Cbt_a2dp_codec_cfg | The endpoint configuration |
Cbt_a2dp_codec_ie | Codec information elements for the endpoint |
Cbt_a2dp_codec_sbc_params | SBC Codec |
Cbt_a2dp_discover_param | |
Cbt_a2dp_ep | Stream End Point |
Cbt_a2dp_ep_info | |
Cbt_a2dp_stream | A2DP Stream |
Cbt_a2dp_stream_ops | The stream endpoint related operations |
Cbt_addr_le_t | Bluetooth LE Device Address |
Cbt_addr_t | Bluetooth Device Address |
Cbt_aics_cb | Struct to hold callbacks for the Audio Input Control Service |
Cbt_aics_discover_param | Structure for discovering a Audio Input Control Service instance |
Cbt_aics_register_param | Structure for initializing a Audio Input Control Service instance |
Cbt_audio_codec_cap | Codec capability structure |
Cbt_audio_codec_cfg | Codec specific configuration structure |
Cbt_audio_codec_octets_per_codec_frame | Struct to hold minimum and maximum supported codec frame sizes |
Cbt_avdtp_sep | AVDTP Stream End Point |
Cbt_avdtp_sep_info | AVDTP stream endpoint information |
Cbt_avrcp_cb | |
Cbt_avrcp_subunit_info_rsp | |
Cbt_avrcp_unit_info_rsp | |
Cbt_bap_ascs_rsp | Structure storing values of fields of ASE Control Point notification |
Cbt_bap_base_codec_id | Codec ID structure for a Broadcast Audio Source Endpoint (BASE) |
Cbt_bap_base_subgroup_bis | BIS structure for each BIS in a Broadcast Audio Source Endpoint (BASE) subgroup |
Cbt_bap_bass_subgroup | Struct to hold subgroup specific information for the receive state |
Cbt_bap_broadcast_assistant_add_src_param | Parameters for adding a source to a Broadcast Audio Scan Service server |
Cbt_bap_broadcast_assistant_cb | Struct to hold the Basic Audio Profile Broadcast Assistant callbacks |
Cbt_bap_broadcast_assistant_mod_src_param | Parameters for modifying a source |
Cbt_bap_broadcast_sink_cb | Broadcast Audio Sink callback structure |
Cbt_bap_broadcast_source_cb | Struct to hold the Broadcast Source callbacks |
Cbt_bap_broadcast_source_param | Broadcast Source create parameters |
Cbt_bap_broadcast_source_stream_param | Broadcast Source stream parameters |
Cbt_bap_broadcast_source_subgroup_param | Broadcast Source subgroup parameters |
Cbt_bap_ep_info | Structure holding information of audio stream endpoint |
Cbt_bap_lc3_preset | Struct to hold a BAP defined LC3 preset |
Cbt_bap_pacs_register_param | Structure for registering PACS |
Cbt_bap_qos_cfg | QoS configuration structure |
Cbt_bap_qos_cfg_pref | Audio Stream Quality of Service Preference structure |
Cbt_bap_scan_delegator_add_src_param | Parameters for bt_bap_scan_delegator_add_src() |
Cbt_bap_scan_delegator_cb | Struct to hold the Basic Audio Profile Scan Delegator callbacks |
Cbt_bap_scan_delegator_mod_src_param | Parameters for bt_bap_scan_delegator_mod_src() |
Cbt_bap_scan_delegator_recv_state | Represents the Broadcast Audio Scan Service receive state |
Cbt_bap_stream | Basic Audio Profile stream structure |
Cbt_bap_stream_ops | Stream operation |
Cbt_bap_unicast_client_cb | Unicast Client callback structure |
Cbt_bap_unicast_group_param | Parameters for the creating unicast groups with bt_bap_unicast_group_create() |
Cbt_bap_unicast_group_stream_pair_param | Parameter struct for the unicast group functions |
Cbt_bap_unicast_group_stream_param | Parameter struct for each stream in the unicast group |
Cbt_bap_unicast_server_cb | Unicast Server callback structure |
Cbt_bap_unicast_server_register_param | Structure for registering Unicast Server |
Cbt_bond_info | Information about a bond with a remote device |
Cbt_br_conn_param | Connection parameters for BR/EDR connections |
Cbt_br_discovery_cb | |
Cbt_br_discovery_param | BR/EDR discovery parameters |
Cbt_br_discovery_result | BR/EDR discovery result structure |
Cbt_br_oob | |
Cbt_buf_data | This is a base type for bt_buf user data |
Cbt_cap_broadcast_to_unicast_param | Parameters for bt_cap_initiator_broadcast_to_unicast() |
Cbt_cap_commander_broadcast_reception_start_member_param | Parameters part of bt_cap_commander_broadcast_reception_start_param for bt_cap_commander_broadcast_reception_start() |
Cbt_cap_commander_broadcast_reception_start_param | Parameters for starting broadcast reception |
Cbt_cap_commander_broadcast_reception_stop_member_param | Parameters for stopping broadcast reception |
Cbt_cap_commander_broadcast_reception_stop_param | |
Cbt_cap_commander_cb | Callback structure for CAP procedures |
Cbt_cap_commander_change_microphone_gain_setting_member_param | Parameters part of bt_cap_commander_change_microphone_gain_setting_param for bt_cap_commander_change_microphone_gain_setting() |
Cbt_cap_commander_change_microphone_gain_setting_param | Parameters for changing microphone mute state |
Cbt_cap_commander_change_microphone_mute_state_param | Parameters for changing microphone mute state |
Cbt_cap_commander_change_volume_mute_state_param | Parameters for changing volume mute state |
Cbt_cap_commander_change_volume_offset_member_param | Parameters part of bt_cap_commander_change_volume_offset_param for bt_cap_commander_change_volume_offset() |
Cbt_cap_commander_change_volume_offset_param | Parameters for changing volume offset |
Cbt_cap_commander_change_volume_param | Parameters for changing absolute volume |
Cbt_cap_commander_distribute_broadcast_code_member_param | Parameters for distributing broadcast code |
Cbt_cap_commander_distribute_broadcast_code_param | |
Cbt_cap_initiator_broadcast_create_param | Parameters for * bt_cap_initiator_broadcast_audio_create() |
Cbt_cap_initiator_broadcast_stream_param | Parameters part of bt_cap_initiator_broadcast_subgroup_param for bt_cap_initiator_broadcast_audio_create() |
Cbt_cap_initiator_broadcast_subgroup_param | Parameters part of bt_cap_initiator_broadcast_create_param for bt_cap_initiator_broadcast_audio_create() |
Cbt_cap_initiator_cb | Callback structure for CAP procedures |
Cbt_cap_set_member | Represents a Common Audio Set member that are either in a Coordinated or ad-hoc set |
Cbt_cap_stream | Common Audio Profile stream structure |
Cbt_cap_unicast_audio_start_param | Parameters for the bt_cap_initiator_unicast_audio_start() function |
Cbt_cap_unicast_audio_start_stream_param | Stream specific parameters for the bt_cap_initiator_unicast_audio_start() function |
Cbt_cap_unicast_audio_stop_param | Parameters for the bt_cap_initiator_unicast_audio_stop() function |
Cbt_cap_unicast_audio_update_param | Parameters for the bt_cap_initiator_unicast_audio_update() function |
Cbt_cap_unicast_audio_update_stream_param | Stream specific parameters for the bt_cap_initiator_unicast_audio_update() function |
Cbt_cap_unicast_to_broadcast_param | Parameters for bt_cap_initiator_unicast_to_broadcast() |
Cbt_ccp_call_control_client_bearers | Struct with information about bearers of a client |
Cbt_ccp_call_control_client_cb | Struct to hold the Telephone Bearer Service client callbacks |
Cbt_conn_auth_cb | Authenticated pairing callback structure |
Cbt_conn_auth_info_cb | Authenticated pairing information callback structure |
Cbt_conn_br_info | BR/EDR Connection Info Structure |
Cbt_conn_br_remote_info | BR/EDR Connection Remote Info structure |
Cbt_conn_cb | Connection callback structure |
Cbt_conn_info | Connection Info Structure |
Cbt_conn_le_create_param | |
Cbt_conn_le_create_synced_param | |
Cbt_conn_le_cs_capabilities | Remote channel sounding capabilities for LE connections supporting CS |
Cbt_conn_le_cs_config | Channel sounding configuration |
Cbt_conn_le_cs_fae_table | Remote FAE Table for LE connections supporting CS |
Cbt_conn_le_cs_procedure_enable_complete | |
Cbt_conn_le_cs_subevent_result | Subevent data for LE connections supporting CS |
Cbt_conn_le_data_len_info | Connection data length information for LE connections |
Cbt_conn_le_data_len_param | Connection data length parameters for LE connections |
Cbt_conn_le_info | LE Connection Info Structure |
Cbt_conn_le_path_loss_reporting_param | LE Path Loss Monitoring Parameters Structure as defined in Core Spec |
Cbt_conn_le_path_loss_threshold_report | LE Path Loss Monitoring Threshold Change Report Structure |
Cbt_conn_le_phy_info | Connection PHY information for LE connections |
Cbt_conn_le_phy_param | Preferred PHY parameters for LE connections |
Cbt_conn_le_remote_info | LE Connection Remote Info Structure |
Cbt_conn_le_subrate_changed | Updated subrating connection parameters for LE connections |
Cbt_conn_le_subrate_param | Connection subrating parameters for LE connections |
Cbt_conn_le_subrating_info | Subrating information for LE connections |
Cbt_conn_le_tx_power | LE Transmit Power Level Structure |
Cbt_conn_le_tx_power_report | LE Transmit Power Reporting Structure |
Cbt_conn_oob_info | Info Structure for OOB pairing |
Cbt_conn_pairing_feat | Pairing request and pairing response info structure |
Cbt_conn_remote_info | Connection Remote Info Structure |
Cbt_csip_set_coordinator_cb | Struct to hold the Coordinated Set Identification Profile Set Coordinator callbacks |
Cbt_csip_set_coordinator_csis_inst | Struct representing a coordinated set instance on a remote device |
Cbt_csip_set_coordinator_set_info | Information about a specific set |
Cbt_csip_set_coordinator_set_member | Struct representing a remote device as a set member |
Cbt_csip_set_member_cb | Callback structure for the Coordinated Set Identification Service |
Cbt_csip_set_member_register_param | Register structure for Coordinated Set Identification Service |
Cbt_cts_cb | Current Time Service callback structure |
Cbt_cts_time_format | Current Time service data format, Please refer to specifications for more details |
Cbt_data | Bluetooth data |
Cbt_df_adv_cte_tx_param | Constant Tone Extension parameters for connectionless transmission |
Cbt_df_conn_cte_req_params | |
Cbt_df_conn_cte_rx_param | |
Cbt_df_conn_cte_tx_param | Constant Tone Extension parameters for CTE transmission in connected mode |
Cbt_df_conn_iq_samples_report | |
Cbt_df_per_adv_sync_cte_rx_param | Constant Tone Extension parameters for connectionless reception |
Cbt_df_per_adv_sync_iq_samples_report | |
Cbt_gatt_attr | GATT Attribute |
Cbt_gatt_authorization_cb | GATT authorization callback structure |
Cbt_gatt_cb | GATT callback structure |
Cbt_gatt_ccc | Client Characteristic Configuration Attribute Value |
Cbt_gatt_ccc_cfg | GATT CCC configuration entry |
Cbt_gatt_cep | Characteristic Extended Properties Attribute Value |
Cbt_gatt_chrc | Characteristic Attribute Value |
Cbt_gatt_cpf | GATT Characteristic Presentation Format Attribute Value |
Cbt_gatt_discover_params | GATT Discover Attributes parameters |
Cbt_gatt_exchange_params | GATT Exchange MTU parameters |
Cbt_gatt_include | Include Attribute Value |
Cbt_gatt_indicate_params | GATT Indicate Value parameters |
Cbt_gatt_notify_params | |
Cbt_gatt_read_params | GATT Read parameters |
Cbt_gatt_scc | Server Characteristic Configuration Attribute Value |
Cbt_gatt_service | GATT Service structure |
Cbt_gatt_service_static | GATT Service structure |
Cbt_gatt_service_val | Service Attribute Value |
Cbt_gatt_subscribe_params | GATT Subscribe parameters |
Cbt_gatt_write_params | GATT Write parameters |
Cbt_gmap_cb | Hearing Access Service Client callback structure |
Cbt_gmap_feat | Broadcast Game Receiver Feature bitfield |
Cbt_has_client_cb | Hearing Access Service Client callback structure |
Cbt_has_features_param | Structure for registering features of a Hearing Access Service instance |
Cbt_has_preset_ops | Preset operations structure |
Cbt_has_preset_record | Preset record definition |
Cbt_has_preset_register_param | Register structure for preset |
Cbt_hci_acl_hdr | |
Cbt_hci_cis | |
Cbt_hci_cis_params | |
Cbt_hci_cis_params_test | |
Cbt_hci_cmd_hdr | |
Cbt_hci_codec_capability_info | |
Cbt_hci_cp_accept_conn_req | |
Cbt_hci_cp_accept_sync_conn_req | |
Cbt_hci_cp_auth_requested | |
Cbt_hci_cp_codec_id | |
Cbt_hci_cp_configure_data_path | |
Cbt_hci_cp_connect | |
Cbt_hci_cp_connect_cancel | |
Cbt_hci_cp_disconnect | |
Cbt_hci_cp_host_buffer_size | |
Cbt_hci_cp_host_num_completed_packets | |
Cbt_hci_cp_io_capability_neg_reply | |
Cbt_hci_cp_io_capability_reply | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_accept_cis | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_add_dev_to_fal | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_add_dev_to_per_adv_list | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_add_dev_to_rl | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_big_create_sync | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_big_terminate_sync | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_conn_cte_req_enable | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_conn_cte_rsp_enable | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_conn_param_req_neg_reply | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_conn_param_req_reply | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_create_big | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_create_big_test | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_create_cis | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_create_conn | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_cs_create_config | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_cs_remove_config | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_cs_set_default_settings | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_default_past_param | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_encrypt | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_enh_rx_test | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_enh_tx_test | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_ext_create_conn | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_ext_create_conn_v2 | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_generate_dhkey | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_generate_dhkey_v2 | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_iso_receive_test | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_iso_test_end | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_iso_transmit_test | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_ltk_req_neg_reply | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_ltk_req_reply | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_past_param | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_per_adv_create_sync | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_per_adv_set_info_transfer | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_per_adv_sync_transfer | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_per_adv_terminate_sync | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_procedure_enable | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_read_chan_map | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_read_iso_link_quality | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_read_iso_tx_sync | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_read_local_rpa | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_read_peer_rpa | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_read_phy | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_read_remote_fae_table | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_read_remote_features | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_read_remote_supported_capabilities | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_read_test_counters | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_read_tx_power_level | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_reject_cis | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_rem_dev_from_fal | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_rem_dev_from_per_adv_list | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_rem_dev_from_rl | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_remove_adv_set | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_remove_cig | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_remove_iso_path | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_req_peer_sca | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_rx_test | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_rx_test_v3 | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_security_enable | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_set_addr_res_enable | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_set_adv_data | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_set_adv_enable | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_set_adv_param | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_set_adv_set_random_addr | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_set_cig_params | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_set_cig_params_test | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_set_cl_cte_sampling_enable | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_set_cl_cte_tx_enable | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_set_cl_cte_tx_params | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_set_conn_cte_rx_params | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_set_conn_cte_tx_params | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_set_data_len | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_set_default_phy | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_set_default_subrate | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_set_event_mask | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_set_ext_adv_data | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_set_ext_adv_enable | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_set_ext_adv_param | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_set_ext_adv_param_v2 | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_set_ext_scan_enable | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_set_ext_scan_param | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_set_ext_scan_rsp_data | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_set_host_chan_classif | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_set_host_feature | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_set_path_loss_reporting_enable | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_set_path_loss_reporting_parameters | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_set_pawr_response_data | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_set_pawr_subevent_data | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_set_pawr_subevent_data_element | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_set_pawr_sync_subevent | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_set_per_adv_data | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_set_per_adv_enable | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_set_per_adv_param | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_set_per_adv_param_v2 | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_set_per_adv_recv_enable | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_set_phy | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_set_privacy_mode | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_set_procedure_parameters | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_set_random_address | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_set_rpa_timeout | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_set_scan_enable | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_set_scan_param | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_set_scan_rsp_data | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_set_tx_power_report_enable | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_setup_iso_path | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_start_encryption | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_subrate_request | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_terminate_big | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_tx_test | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_tx_test_v3 | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_tx_test_v4 | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_tx_test_v4_tx_power | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_write_cached_remote_fae_table | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_write_cached_remote_supported_capabilities | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_write_default_data_len | |
Cbt_hci_cp_le_write_rf_path_comp | |
Cbt_hci_cp_link_key_neg_reply | |
Cbt_hci_cp_link_key_reply | |
Cbt_hci_cp_mesh | |
Cbt_hci_cp_mesh_advertise | |
Cbt_hci_cp_mesh_advertise_cancel | |
Cbt_hci_cp_mesh_advertise_timed | |
Cbt_hci_cp_mesh_set_scan_filter | |
Cbt_hci_cp_mesh_set_scanning | |
Cbt_hci_cp_pin_code_neg_reply | |
Cbt_hci_cp_pin_code_reply | |
Cbt_hci_cp_read_auth_payload_timeout | |
Cbt_hci_cp_read_codec_capabilities | |
Cbt_hci_cp_read_ctlr_delay | |
Cbt_hci_cp_read_encryption_key_size | |
Cbt_hci_cp_read_local_ext_features | |
Cbt_hci_cp_read_remote_ext_features | |
Cbt_hci_cp_read_remote_features | |
Cbt_hci_cp_read_remote_version_info | |
Cbt_hci_cp_read_rssi | |
Cbt_hci_cp_read_tx_power_level | |
Cbt_hci_cp_reject_conn_req | |
Cbt_hci_cp_remote_name_cancel | |
Cbt_hci_cp_remote_name_request | |
Cbt_hci_cp_set_conn_encrypt | |
Cbt_hci_cp_set_ctl_to_host_flow | |
Cbt_hci_cp_set_event_mask | |
Cbt_hci_cp_set_event_mask_page_2 | |
Cbt_hci_cp_setup_sync_conn | |
Cbt_hci_cp_user_confirm_reply | |
Cbt_hci_cp_user_passkey_neg_reply | |
Cbt_hci_cp_user_passkey_reply | |
Cbt_hci_cp_vs_read_tx_power_level | |
Cbt_hci_cp_vs_reset | |
Cbt_hci_cp_vs_set_event_mask | |
Cbt_hci_cp_vs_set_min_num_used_chans | |
Cbt_hci_cp_vs_set_scan_req_reports | |
Cbt_hci_cp_vs_set_trace_enable | |
Cbt_hci_cp_vs_set_usb_transport_mode | |
Cbt_hci_cp_vs_write_bd_addr | |
Cbt_hci_cp_vs_write_tx_power_level | |
Cbt_hci_cp_write_auth_payload_timeout | |
Cbt_hci_cp_write_class_of_device | |
Cbt_hci_cp_write_conn_accept_timeout | |
Cbt_hci_cp_write_inquiry_mode | |
Cbt_hci_cp_write_le_host_supp | |
Cbt_hci_cp_write_sc_host_supp | |
Cbt_hci_cp_write_ssp_mode | |
Cbt_hci_driver_api | |
Cbt_hci_evt_auth_complete | |
Cbt_hci_evt_auth_payload_timeout_exp | |
Cbt_hci_evt_cc_status | |
Cbt_hci_evt_cmd_complete | |
Cbt_hci_evt_cmd_status | |
Cbt_hci_evt_conn_complete | |
Cbt_hci_evt_conn_request | |
Cbt_hci_evt_data_buf_overflow | |
Cbt_hci_evt_disconn_complete | |
Cbt_hci_evt_encrypt_change | |
Cbt_hci_evt_encrypt_key_refresh_complete | |
Cbt_hci_evt_extended_inquiry_result | |
Cbt_hci_evt_hardware_error | |
Cbt_hci_evt_hdr | |
Cbt_hci_evt_inquiry_complete | |
Cbt_hci_evt_inquiry_result_with_rssi | |
Cbt_hci_evt_io_capa_req | |
Cbt_hci_evt_io_capa_resp | |
Cbt_hci_evt_le_adv_set_terminated | |
Cbt_hci_evt_le_advertising_info | |
Cbt_hci_evt_le_advertising_report | |
Cbt_hci_evt_le_big_complete | |
Cbt_hci_evt_le_big_sync_established | |
Cbt_hci_evt_le_big_sync_lost | |
Cbt_hci_evt_le_big_terminate | |
Cbt_hci_evt_le_biginfo_adv_report | |
Cbt_hci_evt_le_chan_sel_algo | |
Cbt_hci_evt_le_cis_established | |
Cbt_hci_evt_le_cis_established_v2 | |
Cbt_hci_evt_le_cis_req | |
Cbt_hci_evt_le_conn_complete | |
Cbt_hci_evt_le_conn_param_req | |
Cbt_hci_evt_le_conn_update_complete | |
Cbt_hci_evt_le_connection_iq_report | |
Cbt_hci_evt_le_connectionless_iq_report | |
Cbt_hci_evt_le_cs_config_complete | |
Cbt_hci_evt_le_cs_procedure_enable_complete | |
Cbt_hci_evt_le_cs_read_remote_fae_table_complete | |
Cbt_hci_evt_le_cs_read_remote_supported_capabilities_complete | |
Cbt_hci_evt_le_cs_security_enable_complete | |
Cbt_hci_evt_le_cs_subevent_result | |
Cbt_hci_evt_le_cs_subevent_result_continue | |
Cbt_hci_evt_le_cs_subevent_result_step | |
Cbt_hci_evt_le_cs_test_end_complete | |
Cbt_hci_evt_le_cte_req_failed | |
Cbt_hci_evt_le_data_len_change | |
Cbt_hci_evt_le_direct_adv_info | |
Cbt_hci_evt_le_direct_adv_report | |
Cbt_hci_evt_le_enh_conn_complete | |
Cbt_hci_evt_le_enh_conn_complete_v2 | |
Cbt_hci_evt_le_ext_advertising_info | |
Cbt_hci_evt_le_ext_advertising_report | |
Cbt_hci_evt_le_generate_dhkey_complete | |
Cbt_hci_evt_le_ltk_request | |
Cbt_hci_evt_le_meta_event | |
Cbt_hci_evt_le_p256_public_key_complete | |
Cbt_hci_evt_le_past_received | |
Cbt_hci_evt_le_past_received_v2 | |
Cbt_hci_evt_le_path_loss_threshold | |
Cbt_hci_evt_le_per_adv_response | |
Cbt_hci_evt_le_per_adv_response_report | |
Cbt_hci_evt_le_per_adv_subevent_data_request | |
Cbt_hci_evt_le_per_adv_sync_established | |
Cbt_hci_evt_le_per_adv_sync_established_v2 | |
Cbt_hci_evt_le_per_adv_sync_lost | |
Cbt_hci_evt_le_per_advertising_report | |
Cbt_hci_evt_le_per_advertising_report_v2 | |
Cbt_hci_evt_le_phy_update_complete | |
Cbt_hci_evt_le_remote_feat_complete | |
Cbt_hci_evt_le_req_peer_sca_complete | |
Cbt_hci_evt_le_scan_req_received | |
Cbt_hci_evt_le_subrate_change | |
Cbt_hci_evt_le_transmit_power_report | |
Cbt_hci_evt_link_key_notify | |
Cbt_hci_evt_link_key_req | |
Cbt_hci_evt_mesh | |
Cbt_hci_evt_mesh_adv_complete | |
Cbt_hci_evt_mesh_scan_report | |
Cbt_hci_evt_mesh_scanning_report | |
Cbt_hci_evt_num_completed_packets | |
Cbt_hci_evt_pin_code_req | |
Cbt_hci_evt_remote_ext_features | |
Cbt_hci_evt_remote_features | |
Cbt_hci_evt_remote_name_req_complete | |
Cbt_hci_evt_remote_version_info | |
Cbt_hci_evt_role_change | |
Cbt_hci_evt_ssp_complete | |
Cbt_hci_evt_sync_conn_complete | |
Cbt_hci_evt_user_confirm_req | |
Cbt_hci_evt_user_passkey_notify | |
Cbt_hci_evt_user_passkey_req | |
Cbt_hci_evt_vs | |
Cbt_hci_evt_vs_fatal_error | |
Cbt_hci_evt_vs_fatal_error_trace_data | |
Cbt_hci_evt_vs_le_connection_iq_report | |
Cbt_hci_evt_vs_le_connectionless_iq_report | |
Cbt_hci_evt_vs_scan_req_rx | |
Cbt_hci_evt_vs_trace_info | |
Cbt_hci_ext_adv_set | |
Cbt_hci_ext_conn_phy | |
Cbt_hci_ext_scan_phy | |
Cbt_hci_handle_count | |
Cbt_hci_iso_hdr | |
Cbt_hci_iso_sdu_hdr | |
Cbt_hci_iso_sdu_ts_hdr | |
Cbt_hci_le_cs_step_data_mode_0_initiator | Subevent result step data format: Mode 0 Initiator |
Cbt_hci_le_cs_step_data_mode_0_reflector | Subevent result step data format: Mode 0 Reflector |
Cbt_hci_le_cs_step_data_mode_1 | Subevent result step data format: Mode 1 |
Cbt_hci_le_cs_step_data_mode_1_ss_rtt | Subevent result step data format: Mode 1 with sounding sequence RTT support |
Cbt_hci_le_cs_step_data_mode_2 | Subevent result step data format: Mode 2 |
Cbt_hci_le_cs_step_data_mode_3 | Subevent result step data format: Mode 3 |
Cbt_hci_le_cs_step_data_mode_3_ss_rtt | Subevent result step data format: Mode 3 with sounding sequence RTT support |
Cbt_hci_le_cs_step_data_tone_info | Format for per-antenna path step data in modes 2 and 3 |
Cbt_hci_le_iq_sample | |
Cbt_hci_le_iq_sample16 | |
Cbt_hci_mesh_pattern | |
Cbt_hci_op_inquiry | |
Cbt_hci_op_le_cs_test | |
Cbt_hci_raw_cmd_ext | |
Cbt_hci_rp_configure_data_path | |
Cbt_hci_rp_connect_cancel | |
Cbt_hci_rp_le_big_terminate_sync | |
Cbt_hci_rp_le_conn_cte_req_enable | |
Cbt_hci_rp_le_conn_cte_rsp_enable | |
Cbt_hci_rp_le_conn_param_req_neg_reply | |
Cbt_hci_rp_le_conn_param_req_reply | |
Cbt_hci_rp_le_default_past_param | |
Cbt_hci_rp_le_encrypt | |
Cbt_hci_rp_le_iso_receive_test | |
Cbt_hci_rp_le_iso_test_end | |
Cbt_hci_rp_le_iso_transmit_test | |
Cbt_hci_rp_le_ltk_req_neg_reply | |
Cbt_hci_rp_le_ltk_req_reply | |
Cbt_hci_rp_le_past_param | |
Cbt_hci_rp_le_per_adv_set_info_transfer | |
Cbt_hci_rp_le_per_adv_sync_transfer | |
Cbt_hci_rp_le_rand | |
Cbt_hci_rp_le_read_ant_info | |
Cbt_hci_rp_le_read_buffer_size | |
Cbt_hci_rp_le_read_buffer_size_v2 | |
Cbt_hci_rp_le_read_chan_map | |
Cbt_hci_rp_le_read_chan_tx_power | |
Cbt_hci_rp_le_read_default_data_len | |
Cbt_hci_rp_le_read_fal_size | |
Cbt_hci_rp_le_read_iso_link_quality | |
Cbt_hci_rp_le_read_iso_tx_sync | |
Cbt_hci_rp_le_read_local_features | |
Cbt_hci_rp_le_read_local_rpa | |
Cbt_hci_rp_le_read_local_supported_capabilities | |
Cbt_hci_rp_le_read_max_adv_data_len | |
Cbt_hci_rp_le_read_max_data_len | |
Cbt_hci_rp_le_read_num_adv_sets | |
Cbt_hci_rp_le_read_peer_rpa | |
Cbt_hci_rp_le_read_per_adv_list_size | |
Cbt_hci_rp_le_read_phy | |
Cbt_hci_rp_le_read_rf_path_comp | |
Cbt_hci_rp_le_read_rl_size | |
Cbt_hci_rp_le_read_supp_states | |
Cbt_hci_rp_le_read_test_counters | |
Cbt_hci_rp_le_read_tx_power | |
Cbt_hci_rp_le_read_tx_power_level | |
Cbt_hci_rp_le_reject_cis | |
Cbt_hci_rp_le_remove_cig | |
Cbt_hci_rp_le_remove_iso_path | |
Cbt_hci_rp_le_set_cig_params | |
Cbt_hci_rp_le_set_cig_params_test | |
Cbt_hci_rp_le_set_cl_cte_sampling_enable | |
Cbt_hci_rp_le_set_conn_cte_rx_params | |
Cbt_hci_rp_le_set_conn_cte_tx_params | |
Cbt_hci_rp_le_set_data_len | |
Cbt_hci_rp_le_set_ext_adv_param | |
Cbt_hci_rp_le_set_host_feature | |
Cbt_hci_rp_le_setup_iso_path | |
Cbt_hci_rp_le_test_end | |
Cbt_hci_rp_mesh_advertise | |
Cbt_hci_rp_mesh_advertise_cancel | |
Cbt_hci_rp_mesh_advertise_timed | |
Cbt_hci_rp_mesh_get_opts | |
Cbt_hci_rp_mesh_set_scan_filter | |
Cbt_hci_rp_mesh_set_scanning | |
Cbt_hci_rp_pin_code_neg_reply | |
Cbt_hci_rp_pin_code_reply | |
Cbt_hci_rp_read_auth_payload_timeout | |
Cbt_hci_rp_read_bd_addr | |
Cbt_hci_rp_read_buffer_size | |
Cbt_hci_rp_read_codec_capabilities | |
Cbt_hci_rp_read_codecs | |
Cbt_hci_rp_read_codecs_v2 | |
Cbt_hci_rp_read_conn_accept_timeout | |
Cbt_hci_rp_read_ctlr_delay | |
Cbt_hci_rp_read_encryption_key_size | |
Cbt_hci_rp_read_local_ext_features | |
Cbt_hci_rp_read_local_features | |
Cbt_hci_rp_read_local_version_info | |
Cbt_hci_rp_read_rssi | |
Cbt_hci_rp_read_supported_commands | |
Cbt_hci_rp_read_tx_power_level | |
Cbt_hci_rp_remote_name_cancel | |
Cbt_hci_rp_user_confirm_reply | |
Cbt_hci_rp_vs_read_build_info | |
Cbt_hci_rp_vs_read_chip_temp | |
Cbt_hci_rp_vs_read_host_stack_cmds | |
Cbt_hci_rp_vs_read_key_hierarchy_roots | |
Cbt_hci_rp_vs_read_static_addrs | |
Cbt_hci_rp_vs_read_supported_commands | |
Cbt_hci_rp_vs_read_supported_features | |
Cbt_hci_rp_vs_read_tx_power_level | |
Cbt_hci_rp_vs_read_usb_transport_mode | |
Cbt_hci_rp_vs_read_version_info | |
Cbt_hci_rp_vs_write_tx_power_level | |
Cbt_hci_rp_write_auth_payload_timeout | |
Cbt_hci_rp_write_conn_accept_timeout | |
Cbt_hci_sco_hdr | |
Cbt_hci_setup_params | |
Cbt_hci_std_codec_info | |
Cbt_hci_std_codec_info_v2 | |
Cbt_hci_std_codecs | |
Cbt_hci_std_codecs_v2 | |
Cbt_hci_vs_cmd | |
Cbt_hci_vs_codec_info | |
Cbt_hci_vs_codec_info_v2 | |
Cbt_hci_vs_codecs | |
Cbt_hci_vs_codecs_v2 | |
Cbt_hci_vs_fata_error_cpu_data_cortex_m | |
Cbt_hci_vs_fatal_error_stack_frame | |
Cbt_hci_vs_static_addr | |
Cbt_hci_write_local_name | |
Cbt_hfp_ag_cb | HFP profile AG application callback |
Cbt_hfp_hf_cb | HFP profile application callback |
Cbt_hfp_hf_cmd_complete | HFP HF Command completion field |
Cbt_hrs_cb | Heart rate service callback structure |
Cbt_ias_cb | Immediate Alert Service callback structure |
Cbt_ias_client_cb | |
Cbt_iso_accept_info | ISO Accept Info Structure |
Cbt_iso_big_cb | Struct to hold the Broadcast Isochronous Group callbacks |
Cbt_iso_big_create_param | Broadcast Isochronous Group (BIG) creation parameters |
Cbt_iso_big_sync_param | Broadcast Isochronous Group (BIG) Sync Parameters |
Cbt_iso_biginfo | Broadcast Isochronous Group (BIG) information |
Cbt_iso_broadcaster_info | ISO Broadcaster Info Structure |
Cbt_iso_chan | ISO Channel structure |
Cbt_iso_chan_io_qos | ISO Channel IO QoS structure |
Cbt_iso_chan_ops | ISO Channel operations structure |
Cbt_iso_chan_path | ISO Channel Data Path structure |
Cbt_iso_chan_qos | ISO Channel QoS structure |
Cbt_iso_cig_param | Connected Isochronous Group (CIG) parameters |
Cbt_iso_connect_param | ISO connection parameters structure |
Cbt_iso_info | ISO channel Info Structure |
Cbt_iso_recv_info | ISO Meta Data structure for received ISO packets |
Cbt_iso_server | ISO Server structure |
Cbt_iso_sync_receiver_info | ISO Synchronized Receiver Info Structure |
Cbt_iso_tx_info | ISO Meta Data structure for transmitted ISO packets |
Cbt_iso_unicast_info | ISO Unicast Info Structure |
Cbt_iso_unicast_tx_info | ISO Unicast TX Info Structure |
Cbt_l2cap_br_chan | BREDR L2CAP Channel structure |
Cbt_l2cap_br_endpoint | BREDR L2CAP Endpoint structure |
Cbt_l2cap_chan | L2CAP Channel structure |
Cbt_l2cap_chan_ops | L2CAP Channel operations structure |
Cbt_l2cap_le_chan | LE L2CAP Channel structure |
Cbt_l2cap_le_endpoint | LE L2CAP Endpoint structure |
Cbt_l2cap_server | L2CAP Server structure |
Cbt_le_adv_param | LE Advertising Parameters |
Cbt_le_conn_param | Connection parameters for LE connections |
Cbt_le_cs_create_config_params | CS Create Config params |
Cbt_le_cs_iq_sample | Sign-extended IQ value extracted from step data |
Cbt_le_cs_procedure_enable_param | |
Cbt_le_cs_set_default_settings_param | Default CS settings in the local Controller |
Cbt_le_cs_set_procedure_parameters_param | |
Cbt_le_cs_subevent_step | Subevent result step |
Cbt_le_cs_test_cb | Callbacks for CS Test |
Cbt_le_cs_test_param | CS Test parameters |
Cbt_le_ext_adv_cb | |
Cbt_le_ext_adv_connected_info | |
Cbt_le_ext_adv_info | Advertising set info structure |
Cbt_le_ext_adv_scanned_info | |
Cbt_le_ext_adv_sent_info | |
Cbt_le_ext_adv_start_param | |
Cbt_le_oob | LE Out of Band information |
Cbt_le_oob_sc_data | LE Secure Connections pairing Out of Band data |
Cbt_le_per_adv_data_request | |
Cbt_le_per_adv_param | |
Cbt_le_per_adv_response_info | |
Cbt_le_per_adv_response_params | |
Cbt_le_per_adv_subevent_data_params | |
Cbt_le_per_adv_sync_cb | |
Cbt_le_per_adv_sync_info | Advertising set info structure |
Cbt_le_per_adv_sync_param | |
Cbt_le_per_adv_sync_recv_info | |
Cbt_le_per_adv_sync_state_info | |
Cbt_le_per_adv_sync_subevent_params | |
Cbt_le_per_adv_sync_synced_info | |
Cbt_le_per_adv_sync_term_info | |
Cbt_le_per_adv_sync_transfer_param | |
Cbt_le_scan_cb | Listener context for (LE) scanning |
Cbt_le_scan_param | LE scan parameters |
Cbt_le_scan_recv_info | LE advertisement and scan response packet information |
Cbt_mcc_cb | Media control client callbacks |
Cbt_mesh_blob_block | BLOB transfer data block |
Cbt_mesh_blob_chunk | BLOB data chunk |
Cbt_mesh_blob_cli | BLOB Transfer Client model instance |
Cbt_mesh_blob_cli_caps | Transfer capabilities of a Target node |
Cbt_mesh_blob_cli_cb | Event handler callbacks for the BLOB Transfer Client model |
Cbt_mesh_blob_cli_inputs | BLOB Transfer Client transfer inputs |
Cbt_mesh_blob_io | BLOB stream |
Cbt_mesh_blob_io_flash | BLOB flash stream |
►Cbt_mesh_blob_srv | BLOB Transfer Server model instance |
Cbt_mesh_blob_srv_cb | BLOB Transfer Server model event handlers |
Cbt_mesh_blob_target | BLOB Transfer Client Target node |
Cbt_mesh_blob_target_pull | Target node's Pull mode (Pull BLOB Transfer Mode) context used while sending chunks to the Target node |
Cbt_mesh_blob_xfer | BLOB transfer |
Cbt_mesh_blob_xfer_info | BLOB transfer information |
Cbt_mesh_brg_cfg_cli | Bridge Configuration Client Model Context |
Cbt_mesh_brg_cfg_cli_cb | Mesh Bridge Configuration Client Status messages callback |
Cbt_mesh_brg_cfg_filter_netkey | Used to filter set of pairs of NetKey Indexes from the Bridging Table |
Cbt_mesh_brg_cfg_subnets_list | Bridged Subnets List response |
Cbt_mesh_brg_cfg_table_entry | Bridging Table state entry corresponding to a entry in the Bridging Table |
Cbt_mesh_brg_cfg_table_list | Bridging Table List response |
Cbt_mesh_brg_cfg_table_status | Bridging Table Status response |
Cbt_mesh_cdb | |
Cbt_mesh_cdb_app_key | |
Cbt_mesh_cdb_node | |
Cbt_mesh_cdb_subnet | |
Cbt_mesh_cfg_cli | Mesh Configuration Client Model Context |
Cbt_mesh_cfg_cli_cb | Mesh Configuration Client Status messages callback |
Cbt_mesh_cfg_cli_hb_pub | Heartbeat publication configuration parameters |
Cbt_mesh_cfg_cli_hb_sub | Heartbeat subscription configuration parameters |
Cbt_mesh_cfg_cli_mod_pub | Model publication configuration parameters |
Cbt_mesh_comp | Node Composition |
Cbt_mesh_comp2 | Node Composition data page 2 |
Cbt_mesh_comp2_record | Composition data page 2 record |
Cbt_mesh_comp_p0 | Parsed Composition data page 0 representation |
Cbt_mesh_comp_p0_elem | Composition data page 0 element representation |
Cbt_mesh_comp_p1_elem | Composition data page 1 element representation |
Cbt_mesh_comp_p1_ext_item | Extended Model Item |
Cbt_mesh_comp_p1_item_long | Extended Model Item in long representation |
Cbt_mesh_comp_p1_item_short | Extended Model Item in short representation |
Cbt_mesh_comp_p1_model_item | Composition data page 1 model item representation |
Cbt_mesh_comp_p2_record | Composition data page 2 record parsing structure |
Cbt_mesh_dev_capabilities | Device Capabilities |
Cbt_mesh_dfd_srv | Firmware Distribution Server instance |
Cbt_mesh_dfd_srv_cb | Firmware Distribution Server callbacks: |
Cbt_mesh_dfu_cli | Firmware Update Client model instance |
Cbt_mesh_dfu_cli_cb | Firmware Update Client event callbacks |
Cbt_mesh_dfu_cli_xfer | Firmware Update Client transfer parameters: |
Cbt_mesh_dfu_cli_xfer_blob_params | BLOB parameters for Firmware Update Client transfer: |
Cbt_mesh_dfu_img | DFU image instance |
Cbt_mesh_dfu_metadata | Firmware metadata |
Cbt_mesh_dfu_metadata_fw_ver | Firmware version |
Cbt_mesh_dfu_metadata_status | Metadata status response |
Cbt_mesh_dfu_slot | DFU image slot for DFU distribution |
Cbt_mesh_dfu_srv | Firmware Update Server instance |
Cbt_mesh_dfu_srv_cb | Firmware Update Server event callbacks |
Cbt_mesh_dfu_target | DFU Target node |
Cbt_mesh_dfu_target_status | DFU Target node status parameters |
►Cbt_mesh_elem | Abstraction that describes a Mesh Element |
Cbt_mesh_friend_cb | Friend Node callback functions |
Cbt_mesh_hb_cb | Heartbeat callback structure |
Cbt_mesh_hb_pub | Heartbeat Publication parameters |
Cbt_mesh_hb_sub | Heartbeat Subscription parameters |
Cbt_mesh_health_cli | Health Client Model Context |
Cbt_mesh_health_srv | Mesh Health Server Model Context |
Cbt_mesh_health_srv_cb | Callback function for the Health Server model |
Cbt_mesh_large_comp_data_cli | Large Composition Data Client model context |
Cbt_mesh_large_comp_data_cli_cb | Large Composition Data Status messages callbacks |
Cbt_mesh_large_comp_data_rsp | Large Composition Data response |
Cbt_mesh_lpn_cb | Low Power Node callback functions |
Cbt_mesh_mod_id_vnd | Vendor model ID |
►Cbt_mesh_model | Abstraction that describes a Mesh Model instance |
Cbt_mesh_model_cb | Model callback functions |
Cbt_mesh_model_op | Model opcode handler |
Cbt_mesh_model_pub | Model publication context |
Cbt_mesh_models_metadata_entry | Models Metadata Entry struct |
Cbt_mesh_msg_ack_ctx | Acknowledged message context for tracking the status of model messages pending a response |
Cbt_mesh_msg_ctx | Message sending context |
Cbt_mesh_od_priv_proxy_cli | On-Demand Private Proxy Client Model Context |
Cbt_mesh_priv_beacon | Private Beacon |
Cbt_mesh_priv_beacon_cli | Mesh Private Beacon Client model |
Cbt_mesh_priv_beacon_cli_cb | Private Beacon Client Status messages callbacks |
Cbt_mesh_priv_node_id | Private Node Identity |
Cbt_mesh_prov | Provisioning properties & capabilities |
Cbt_mesh_proxy_cb | Callbacks for the Proxy feature |
Cbt_mesh_rpr_caps | Remote Provisioning Server scanning capabilities |
Cbt_mesh_rpr_cli | Remote Provisioning Client model instance |
Cbt_mesh_rpr_link | Remote Provisioning Link status |
Cbt_mesh_rpr_node | Remote provisioning actor, as seen across the mesh |
Cbt_mesh_rpr_scan_status | Scan status response |
Cbt_mesh_rpr_unprov | Unprovisioned device |
Cbt_mesh_sar_cfg_cli | Mesh SAR Configuration Client Model Context |
Cbt_mesh_sar_rx | SAR Receiver Configuration state structure |
Cbt_mesh_sar_tx | SAR Transmitter Configuration state structure |
Cbt_mesh_send_cb | Callback structure for monitoring model message sending |
Cbt_mesh_shell_target | Target context for the mesh shell |
Cbt_mesh_sol_pdu_rpl_cli | Solicitation PDU RPL Client Model Context |
Cbt_mesh_statistic | The structure that keeps statistics of mesh frames handling |
Cbt_micp_included | Microphone Control Profile included services |
Cbt_micp_mic_ctlr_cb | Struct to hold the Microphone Controller callbacks |
Cbt_micp_mic_dev_cb | Struct to hold the Microphone Device callbacks |
Cbt_micp_mic_dev_register_param | Register parameters structure for Microphone Control Service |
Cbt_nus_cb | Callbacks for getting notified on NUS Service occurrences |
Cbt_nus_inst | |
Cbt_ots_cb | OTS callback structure |
Cbt_ots_client | OTS client instance |
Cbt_ots_client_cb | OTS client callback structure |
Cbt_ots_date_time | Date and Time structure |
Cbt_ots_feat | Features of the OTS |
Cbt_ots_init_param | Descriptor for OTS initialization |
Cbt_ots_obj_add_param | Descriptor for OTS object addition |
Cbt_ots_obj_created_desc | Descriptor for OTS created object |
Cbt_ots_obj_metadata | Metadata of an OTS object |
Cbt_ots_obj_size | Descriptor for OTS Object Size parameter |
Cbt_ots_obj_type | Type of an OTS object |
Cbt_pacs_cap | Published Audio Capability structure |
Cbt_rfcomm_dlc | RFCOMM DLC structure |
Cbt_rfcomm_dlc_ops | RFCOMM DLC operations structure |
Cbt_rfcomm_server | |
Cbt_sdp_attribute | SDP Attribute Value |
Cbt_sdp_client_result | Generic SDP Client Query Result data holder |
Cbt_sdp_data_elem | SDP Generic Data Element Value |
Cbt_sdp_discover_params | Main user structure used in SDP discovery of remote |
Cbt_sdp_record | SDP Service Record Value |
Cbt_security_info | Security Info Structure |
Cbt_tbs_cb | Struct to hold the Telephone Bearer Service callbacks |
Cbt_tbs_client_call | Struct to hold a call as the Telephone Bearer Service client |
Cbt_tbs_client_call_state | Struct to hold a call state |
Cbt_tbs_client_cb | Struct to hold the Telephone Bearer Service client callbacks |
Cbt_tbs_register_param | |
Cbt_tmap_cb | TMAP callback structure |
Cbt_uuid | This is a 'tentative' type and should be used as a pointer only |
Cbt_uuid_128 | |
Cbt_uuid_16 | |
Cbt_uuid_32 | |
Cbt_vcp_included | Volume Control Service included services |
Cbt_vcp_vol_ctlr_cb | Struct to hold the Volume Controller callbacks |
Cbt_vcp_vol_rend_cb | Struct to hold the Volume Renderer callbacks |
Cbt_vcp_vol_rend_register_param | Register structure for Volume Control Service |
Cbt_vocs_cb | Struct to hold the Volume Offset Control Service callbacks |
Cbt_vocs_discover_param | Structure for discovering a Volume Offset Control Service instance |
Cbt_vocs_register_param | Structure for registering a Volume Offset Control Service instance |
Ccan_bus_err_cnt | CAN controller error counters |
Ccan_device_state | CAN specific device state which allows for CAN device class specific additions |
Ccan_filter | CAN filter structure |
Ccan_frame | CAN frame structure |
Ccan_mcan_callbacks | Bosch M_CAN driver internal Tx + Rx callbacks structure |
Ccan_mcan_config | Bosch M_CAN driver internal configuration structure |
Ccan_mcan_data | Bosch M_CAN driver internal data structure |
Ccan_mcan_ext_filter | Bosch M_CAN Extended Message ID Filter Element |
Ccan_mcan_ops | Bosch M_CAN driver front-end operations |
Ccan_mcan_rx_callback | Bosch M_CAN driver internal Rx callback structure |
Ccan_mcan_rx_fifo | Bosch M_CAN Rx Buffer and FIFO Element |
Ccan_mcan_rx_fifo_hdr | Bosch M_CAN Rx Buffer and FIFO Element header |
Ccan_mcan_std_filter | Bosch M_CAN Standard Message ID Filter Element |
Ccan_mcan_tx_buffer | Bosch M_CAN Tx Buffer Element |
Ccan_mcan_tx_buffer_hdr | Bosch M_CAN Tx Buffer Element header |
Ccan_mcan_tx_callback | Bosch M_CAN driver internal Tx callback structure |
Ccan_mcan_tx_event_fifo | Bosch M_CAN Tx Event FIFO Element |
Ccan_sja1000_config | SJA1000 driver internal configuration structure |
Ccan_sja1000_data | SJA1000 driver internal data structure |
Ccan_sja1000_rx_filter | SJA1000 driver internal RX filter structure |
Ccan_timing | CAN bus timing structure |
Ccanbus_api | CAN L2 network driver API |
Ccbor_nb_reader | |
Ccbor_nb_writer | |
Ccbprintf_package_desc | Cbprintf package descriptor |
Ccbprintf_package_hdr | Cbprintf package header |
Ccbprintf_package_hdr_ext | Cbprintf package header with format string pointer |
Ccc1200_rf_registers_set | |
Cccm_params | |
Cccs811_configver_type | Get information about static CCS811 state |
Cccs811_result_type | Information collected from the sensor on each fetch |
Ccdc_acm_descriptor | Abstract Control Management Functional Descriptor |
Ccdc_acm_line_coding | Data structure for GET_LINE_CODING / SET_LINE_CODING class requests |
Ccdc_acm_notification | Data structure for the notification about SerialState |
Ccdc_cm_descriptor | Call Management Functional Descriptor |
Ccdc_ecm_descriptor | Ethernet Networking Functional Descriptor |
Ccdc_header_descriptor | Header Functional Descriptor |
Ccdc_ncm_descriptor | Ethernet Network Control Model (NCM) Descriptor |
Ccdc_union_descriptor | Union Interface Functional Descriptor |
Ccellular_driver_api | Cellular driver API |
Ccellular_network | Cellular network structure |
Ccfb_font | |
Ccfb_position | |
Ccharger_current_notifier | The input current thresholds for the charger to notify the system |
Ccharger_driver_api | Charging device API |
Ccharger_propval | Container for a charger_property value |
Ccipher_aead_pkt | Structure encoding IO parameters in AEAD (Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data) scenario like in CCM |
Ccipher_ctx | Structure encoding session parameters |
Ccipher_ops | |
Ccipher_pkt | Structure encoding IO parameters of one cryptographic operation like encrypt/decrypt |
Cclock_control_driver_api | |
Cclock_control_ra_pclk_cfg | |
Cclock_control_ra_subsys_cfg | |
Ccmsghdr | Control message ancillary data |
Ccoap_block_context | Represents the current state of a block-wise transaction |
Ccoap_client_option | Representation of extra options for the CoAP client request |
Ccoap_client_request | Representation of a CoAP client request |
Ccoap_core_metadata | In case you want to add attributes to the resources included in the 'well-known/core' "virtual" resource, the 'user_data' field should point to a valid coap_core_metadata structure |
Ccoap_observer | Represents a remote device that is observing a local resource |
Ccoap_option | Representation of a CoAP option |
Ccoap_packet | Representation of a CoAP Packet |
Ccoap_pending | Represents a request awaiting for an acknowledgment (ACK) |
Ccoap_reply | Represents the handler for the reply of a request, it is also used when observing resources |
Ccoap_resource | Description of CoAP resource |
Ccoap_transmission_parameters | CoAP transmission parameters |
Ccomp_mcux_acmp_dac_config | |
Ccomp_mcux_acmp_dm_config | |
Ccomp_mcux_acmp_filter_config | |
Ccomp_mcux_acmp_input_config | |
Ccomp_mcux_acmp_mode_config | |
Ccomp_nrf_comp_diff_config | Differential mode configuration structure |
Ccomp_nrf_comp_se_config | Single-ended mode configuration structure |
Ccomp_nrf_lpcomp_config | Configuration structure |
Cconn_mgr_conn_api | Connectivity Manager Connectivity API structure |
Cconn_mgr_conn_binding | Connectivity Manager network interface binding structure |
Cconn_mgr_conn_impl | Connectivity Implementation struct |
Cconsole_input | Console input representation |
Ccoredump_cmd_copy_arg | Coredump copy command (COREDUMP_CMD_COPY_STORED_DUMP) argument definition |
Ccoredump_mem_region_node | Structure describing a region in memory that may be stored in core dump at the time it is generated |
Ccounter_alarm_cfg | Alarm callback structure |
Ccounter_config_info | Structure with generic counter features |
Ccounter_driver_api | |
Ccounter_top_cfg | Top value configuration structure |
Ccrypto_driver_api | Crypto driver API definition |
Cctr_params | |
Ccurrent_sense_amplifier_dt_spec | |
Ccurrent_sense_shunt_dt_spec | |
Ccy8cmbr3xxx_config_data | |
Cdac_channel_cfg | Structure for specifying the configuration of a DAC channel |
Cdai_config | Main DAI config structure |
Cdai_properties | DAI properties |
Cdai_ts_cfg | DAI timestamp configuration |
Cdai_ts_data | DAI timestamp data |
Cdevice | Runtime device structure (in ROM) per driver instance |
Cdevice_state | Runtime device dynamic structure (in RAM) per driver instance |
Cdfu_runtime_descriptor | Run-Time Functional Descriptor |
Cdirent | |
Cdisk_info | Disk info |
Cdisk_operations | Disk operations |
Cdisplay_buffer_descriptor | Structure to describe display data buffer layout |
Cdisplay_capabilities | Structure holding display capabilities |
Cdisplay_driver_api | Display driver API API which a display driver should expose |
Cdma_block_config | DMA block configuration structure |
Cdma_config | DMA configuration structure |
Cdma_context | DMA context structure Note: the dma_context shall be the first member of DMA client driver Data, got by dev->data |
Cdma_status | DMA runtime status structure |
Cdmic_cfg | Input configuration structure for the DMIC configuration API |
Cdns_addrinfo | Address info struct is passed to callback that gets all the results |
►Cdns_resolve_context | DNS resolve context structure |
Cdns_sd_rec | DNS Service Discovery record |
Cdrv2605_config_data | |
Cdrv2605_rom_data | |
Cdrv2605_rtp_data | |
Cdsa_slave_config | Structure to provide mac address for each LAN interface |
Cdummy_api | Dummy L2 API operations |
Cdw_ace_v1_ictl_driver_api | |
Cdynamic_region_info | |
Cec_host_cmd | |
Cec_host_cmd_backend | |
Cec_host_cmd_backend_api | |
Cec_host_cmd_handler | Structure use for statically registering host command handlers |
Cec_host_cmd_handler_args | Arguments passed into every installed host command handler |
Cec_host_cmd_request_header | Header for requests from host to embedded controller |
Cec_host_cmd_response_header | Header for responses from embedded controller to host |
Cec_host_cmd_rx_ctx | Context for host command backend and handler to pass rx data |
Cec_host_cmd_tx_buf | Context for host command backend and handler to pass tx data |
Cefi_boot_arg | |
Celf32_ehdr | ELF Header(32-bit) |
Celf32_rel | Relocation entry for 32-bit ELFs |
Celf32_rela | Relocation entry for 32-bit ELFs with addend |
Celf32_shdr | Section Header(32-bit) |
Celf32_sym | Symbol table entry(32-bit) |
Celf64_ehdr | ELF Header(64-bit) |
Celf64_rel | Relocation entry for 64-bit ELFs |
Celf64_rela | Relocation entry for 64-bit ELFs with addend |
Celf64_shdr | Section Header(64-bit) |
Celf64_sym | Symbol table entry(64-bit) |
►Cemul | An emulator instance - represents the target emulated device/peripheral that is interacted with through an emulated bus |
Cemul_espi_device_api | Definition of the eSPI device emulator API |
Cemul_espi_driver_api | Definition of the eSPI controller emulator API |
Cemul_link_for_bus | Structure uniquely identifying a device to be emulated |
Cemul_list_for_bus | List of emulators attached to a bus |
Cemul_mspi_device_api | Definition of the MSPI device emulator API |
Cemul_mspi_driver_api | Definition of the MSPI controller emulator API |
Cemul_stub_dev_api | |
Cemul_stub_dev_config | |
Cemul_stub_dev_data | |
Centropy_driver_api | Entropy driver API structure |
Cenum_mgmt_detail_output | Structure provided in the MGMT_EVT_OP_ENUM_MGMT_DETAILS notification callback: This callback function is called once per command group when the detail command is used, it can be used to return additional information/fields in the response |
Cesp32_clock_config | |
Cesp32_cpu_clock_config | |
Cesp32_rtc_clock_config | |
Cespi_cfg | ESPI bus configuration parameters |
Cespi_emul | Node in a linked list of emulators for eSPI devices |
Cespi_event | ESPI event |
Cespi_evt_data_acpi | Bit field definition of evt_data in struct espi_event for ACPI |
Cespi_evt_data_kbc | Bit field definition of evt_data in struct espi_event for KBC |
Cespi_flash_packet | ESPI flash transactions packet format |
Cespi_oob_packet | ESPI out-of-band transaction packet format |
Cespi_request_packet | ESPI peripheral request packet format |
Cespi_saf_cfg | ESPI SAF configuration parameters |
Cespi_saf_packet | ESPI SAF transaction packet format |
Cethernet_api | Ethernet L2 API operations |
Cethernet_filter | Ethernet filter description |
Cethernet_lldp | Ethernet LLDP specific parameters |
Cethernet_qav_param | Ethernet Qav specific parameters |
Cethernet_qbu_param | Ethernet Qbu specific parameters |
Cethernet_qbv_param | Ethernet Qbv specific parameters |
Cethernet_t1s_param | Ethernet T1S specific parameters |
Cethernet_txtime_param | Ethernet TXTIME specific parameters |
Cevent_channel_handle | |
Cevtchn_alloc_unbound | |
Cevtchn_bind_interdomain | |
Cevtchn_close | |
Cevtchn_reset | |
Cevtchn_send | |
Cevtchn_set_priority | |
Cevtchn_status | |
Cevtchn_unmask | |
Cext2_cfg | Configuration used to format ext2 file system |
Cfar_ptr | |
Cfcb | FCB instance structure |
Cfcb_entry | FCB entry info structure |
Cfcb_entry_ctx | Structure for transferring complete information about FCB entry location within flash memory |
Cfd_op_vtable | File descriptor virtual method table |
Cfff_globals_t | |
Cflash_area | Flash partition |
Cflash_driver_api | |
Cflash_img_check | Structure for verify flash region integrity |
Cflash_img_context | |
Cflash_pages_info | |
Cflash_pages_layout | |
Cflash_parameters | Flash memory parameters |
Cflash_ra_cf_block_map | |
Cflash_sector | Structure for transfer flash sector boundaries |
Cfpga_driver_api | |
Cfpu_ctx_full | |
Cfs_dir_t | Directory object representing an open directory |
Cfs_dirent | Structure to receive file or directory information |
Cfs_file_system_t | File System interface structure |
Cfs_file_t | File object representing an open file |
Cfs_littlefs | Filesystem info structure for LittleFS mount |
Cfs_mgmt_file_access | Structure provided in the MGMT_EVT_OP_FS_MGMT_FILE_ACCESS notification callback: This callback function is used to notify the application about a pending file read/write request and to authorise or deny it |
Cfs_mgmt_hash_checksum_group | A collection of handlers for an entire hash/checksum group |
Cfs_mount_t | File system mount info structure |
Cfs_statvfs | Structure to receive volume statistics |
Cft8xx_touch_transform | Structure holding touchscreen calibration data |
Cfuel_gauge_driver_api | |
Cfuel_gauge_prop_val | Property field to value/type union |
Cgcm_params | |
Cgdb_ctx | Architecture specific GDB context |
Cgdb_interrupt_ctx | GDB interruption context |
Cgdb_mem_region | Describe one memory region |
Cgnss_data | GNSS data structure |
Cgnss_data_callback | GNSS callback structure |
Cgnss_driver_api | GNSS API structure |
Cgnss_info | GNSS info data structure |
Cgnss_satellite | GNSS satellite structure |
Cgnss_satellites_callback | GNSS callback structure |
Cgnss_time | GNSS time data structure |
Cgnttab_map_grant_ref | |
Cgnttab_setup_table | |
Cgnttab_unmap_grant_ref | |
Cgpio_acpi_res | |
Cgpio_callback | GPIO callback structure |
Cgpio_cmsdk_ahb | |
Cgpio_driver_config | This structure is common to all GPIO drivers and is expected to be the first element in the object pointed to by the config field in the device structure |
Cgpio_driver_data | This structure is common to all GPIO drivers and is expected to be the first element in the driver's struct driver_data declaration |
Cgpio_dt_spec | Container for GPIO pin information specified in devicetree |
Cgpio_mmio32_config | |
Cgpio_mmio32_context | |
Cgpio_ra_callback | |
Cgpio_tle9104_channel_diagnostics | |
Cgptp_clk_src_time_invoke_params | ClockSourceTime.invoke function parameters |
Cgptp_flags | GPTP message flags |
Cgptp_hdr | GPTP message header |
Cgptp_phase_dis_cb | Phase discontinuity callback structure |
Cgptp_port_identity | Port Identity |
Cgptp_scaled_ns | Scaled Nanoseconds |
Cgptp_uscaled_ns | UScaled Nanoseconds |
Cgrant_entry | |
Cgroup | Group structure |
Chaptics_driver_api | Haptic device API |
Chash_ctx | Structure encoding session parameters |
Chash_pkt | Structure encoding IO parameters of a hash operation |
Chawkbit_runtime_config | HawkBit configuration structure |
Chci_cp_le_conn_update | |
Chdlc_api | HDLC interface configuration data |
Cheap_listener | |
Chid_device_ops | HID device user callbacks |
Chid_ops | USB HID device interface |
Chostent | |
Chttp2_frame | HTTP/2 frame representation |
Chttp2_settings_field | HTTP2 settings field |
Chttp2_stream_ctx | HTTP/2 stream representation |
Chttp_client_ctx | Representation of an HTTP client connected to the server |
Chttp_client_internal_data | HTTP client internal data that the application should not touch |
Chttp_content_range | |
Chttp_content_type | |
Chttp_header | HTTP header representation |
Chttp_header_name | HTTP header name representation |
Chttp_hpack_header_buf | HTTP2 header field with decoding buffer |
Chttp_parser | |
Chttp_parser_settings | |
Chttp_parser_url | |
Chttp_request | HTTP client request |
Chttp_request_ctx | HTTP request context |
Chttp_resource_desc | HTTP resource description |
Chttp_resource_detail | Representation of a server resource, common for all resource types |
Chttp_resource_detail_dynamic | Representation of a dynamic server resource |
Chttp_resource_detail_static | Representation of a static server resource |
Chttp_resource_detail_static_fs | Representation of a static filesystem server resource |
Chttp_resource_detail_websocket | Representation of a websocket server resource |
Chttp_response | HTTP response from the server |
Chttp_response_ctx | HTTP response context |
Chvc_xen_data | |
Ci2c_device_state | I2C specific device state which allows for i2c device class specific additions |
Ci2c_dt_spec | Complete I2C DT information |
Ci2c_emul | Node in a linked list of emulators for I2C devices |
Ci2c_emul_api | Definition of the emulator API |
Ci2c_msg | One I2C Message |
Ci2c_rtio | Driver context for implementing i2c with rtio |
Ci2c_target_callbacks | Structure providing callbacks to be implemented for devices that supports the I2C target API |
Ci2c_target_config | Structure describing a device that supports the I2C target API |
Ci2s_config | Interface configuration options |
Ci3c_addr_slots | Structure to keep track of addresses on I3C bus |
Ci3c_ccc_address | Payload for a single device address |
Ci3c_ccc_deftgts | Payload for DEFTGTS CCC (Define List of Targets) |
Ci3c_ccc_deftgts_active_controller | The active controller part of payload for DEFTGTS CCC |
Ci3c_ccc_deftgts_target | The target device part of payload for DEFTGTS CCC |
Ci3c_ccc_events | Payload for ENEC/DISEC CCC (Target Events Command) |
Ci3c_ccc_getbcr | Payload for GETBCR CCC (Get Bus Characteristics Register) |
Ci3c_ccc_getcaps | Payload for GETCAPS CCC (Get Optional Feature Capabilities) |
Ci3c_ccc_getdcr | Payload for GETDCR CCC (Get Device Characteristics Register) |
Ci3c_ccc_getmxds | Payload for GETMXDS CCC (Get Max Data Speed) |
Ci3c_ccc_getpid | Payload for GETPID CCC (Get Provisioned ID) |
Ci3c_ccc_getstatus | Payload for GETSTATUS CCC (Get Device Status) |
Ci3c_ccc_mrl | Payload for SETMRL/GETMRL CCC (Set/Get Maximum Read Length) |
Ci3c_ccc_mwl | Payload for SETMWL/GETMWL CCC (Set/Get Maximum Write Length) |
Ci3c_ccc_payload | Payload structure for one CCC transaction |
Ci3c_ccc_setbrgtgt | Payload for SETBRGTGT CCC (Set Bridge Targets) |
Ci3c_ccc_setbrgtgt_tgt | One Bridged Target for SETBRGTGT payload |
Ci3c_ccc_target_payload | Payload structure for Direct CCC to one target |
Ci3c_config_controller | Configuration parameters for I3C hardware to act as controller |
Ci3c_config_custom | Custom I3C configuration parameters |
Ci3c_config_target | Configuration parameters for I3C hardware to act as target device |
Ci3c_dev_attached_list | Structure for describing attached devices for a controller |
Ci3c_dev_list | Structure for describing known devices for a controller |
Ci3c_device_desc | Structure describing a I3C target device |
Ci3c_device_id | Structure used for matching I3C devices |
Ci3c_driver_config | This structure is common to all I3C drivers and is expected to be the first element in the object pointed to by the config field in the device structure |
Ci3c_driver_data | This structure is common to all I3C drivers and is expected to be the first element in the driver's struct driver_data declaration |
Ci3c_i2c_device_desc | Structure describing a I2C device on I3C bus |
Ci3c_ibi | Struct for IBI request |
Ci3c_ibi_payload | Structure of payload buffer for IBI |
Ci3c_ibi_work | Node about a queued IBI |
Ci3c_iodev_data | |
Ci3c_msg | One I3C Message |
Ci3c_rtio | Driver context for implementing i3c with rtio |
Ci3c_target_callbacks | |
Ci3c_target_config | Structure describing a device that supports the I3C target API |
Ci3c_target_driver_api | |
Cicmsg_config_t | |
Cicmsg_data_t | |
Cicmsg_me_data_t | |
Cieee802154_attr_value | IEEE 802.15.4 driver attribute values |
Cieee802154_config | IEEE 802.15.4 driver configuration data |
Cieee802154_context | IEEE 802.15.4 L2 context |
Cieee802154_filter | Filter value, see ieee802154_radio_api::filter |
Cieee802154_header_ie_csl | Generic CSL IE, see section |
Cieee802154_header_ie_csl_full | Full CSL IE, see section |
Cieee802154_header_ie_csl_reduced | Reduced CSL IE, see section |
Cieee802154_header_ie_rendezvous_time | Rendezvous Time IE, see section |
Cieee802154_header_ie_rendezvous_time_full | Full Rendezvous Time IE, see section (macCslInterval is nonzero) |
Cieee802154_header_ie_rendezvous_time_reduced | Reduced Rendezvous Time IE, see section (macCslInterval is zero) |
Cieee802154_header_ie_rit | RIT IE, see section |
Cieee802154_header_ie_time_correction | Time Correction IE, see section |
Cieee802154_header_ie_vendor_specific | Vendor Specific Header IE, see section |
Cieee802154_key | Key configuration for transmit security offloading, see IEEE802154_CONFIG_MAC_KEYS |
Cieee802154_openthread_attr_value | OpenThread specific attribute value data of ieee802154 driver |
Cieee802154_openthread_config | OpenThread specific configuration data of ieee802154 driver |
Cieee802154_phy_channel_range | Represents a supported channel range, see ieee802154_phy_supported_channels |
Cieee802154_phy_supported_channels | Represents a list channels supported by a driver for a given interface, see IEEE802154_ATTR_PHY_SUPPORTED_CHANNEL_RANGES |
Cieee802154_radio_api | IEEE 802.15.4 driver interface API |
Cieee802154_req_params | Scanning parameters |
Cieee802154_security_ctx | Interface-level security attributes, see section 9.5 |
Cieee802154_security_params | Security parameters |
Cif_nameindex | |
Cifreq | Interface description structure |
Cigmp_param | IGMP parameters |
Cimg_gr_upload | IMG mgmt client upload structure |
Cimg_mgmt_client | IMG mgmt client object |
Cimg_mgmt_image_confirmed | Structure provided in the MGMT_EVT_OP_IMG_MGMT_DFU_CONFIRMED notification callback: This callback function is used to notify the application about an image confirmation being executed successfully |
Cimg_mgmt_slot_info_image | Structure provided in the MGMT_EVT_OP_IMG_MGMT_SLOT_INFO_IMAGE notification callback: This callback function is called once per image when the slot info command is used, it can be used to return additional information/fields in the response |
Cimg_mgmt_slot_info_slot | Structure provided in the MGMT_EVT_OP_IMG_MGMT_SLOT_INFO_SLOT notification callback: This callback function is called once per slot per image when the slot info command is used, it can be used to return additional information/fields in the response |
Cimg_mgmt_state | Global state for upload in progress |
Cimg_mgmt_state_slot_encode | Structure provided in the MGMT_EVT_OP_IMG_MGMT_IMAGE_SLOT_STATE notification callback: This callback function is used to allow applications or modules append custom fields to the image slot state response |
Cimg_mgmt_upload_action | Describes what to do during processing of an upload request |
Cimg_mgmt_upload_check | Structure provided in the MGMT_EVT_OP_IMG_MGMT_DFU_CHUNK notification callback: This callback function is used to notify the application about a pending firmware upload packet from a client and authorise or deny it |
Cimg_mgmt_upload_req | Represents an individual upload request |
Cin6_addr | IPv6 address struct |
Cin6_pktinfo | Incoming IPv6 packet information |
Cin_addr | IPv4 address struct |
Cin_pktinfo | Incoming IPv4 packet information |
Cinit_entry | Structure to store initialization entry information |
Cinit_function | Initialization function for init entries |
Cinput_callback | Input callback structure |
Cinput_event | Input event structure |
Cinput_kbd_matrix_api | Keyboard matrix internal APIs |
Cinput_kbd_matrix_common_config | Common keyboard matrix config |
Cinput_kbd_matrix_common_data | Common keyboard matrix data |
Cinput_touchscreen_common_config | Common touchscreen config |
Cintel_adsp_tlb_api | |
Cintr_handle_data_t | Interrupt handler associated data structure |
Ciovec | IO vector array element |
Cip_mreq | Struct used when setting a IPv4 multicast network interface |
Cip_mreqn | Struct used when joining or leaving a IPv4 multicast group |
Cipc_ept | Endpoint instance |
Cipc_ept_cfg | Endpoint configuration structure |
Cipc_rpmsg_ept | Endpoint structure |
Cipc_rpmsg_instance | RPMsg instance structure |
Cipc_service_backend | IPC backend configuration structure |
Cipc_service_cb | Event callback structure |
Cipc_static_vrings | Static VRINGs structure |
Cipcp_options | IPv4 control protocol options |
Cipm_console_receiver_config_info | |
Cipm_console_receiver_runtime_data | |
Cipm_console_sender_config_info | |
Cipm_driver_api | |
Cipv6_mreq | Struct used when joining or leaving a IPv6 multicast group |
Cipv6cp_options | IPv6 control protocol options |
Cisotp_fc_opts | ISO-TP frame control options struct |
Cisotp_msg_id | ISO-TP message id struct |
Cit8801_mfd_callback | |
Cit8801_vendor_id_t | |
Citimerspec | |
Cits_driver_api | |
Civshmem_driver_api | |
Cjson_lexer | |
Cjson_obj | |
Cjson_obj_descr | |
Cjson_obj_token | |
Cjson_token | |
Cjwt_builder | JWT data tracking |
Ck_condvar | |
Ck_cycle_stats | Structure used to track internal statistics about both thread and CPU usage |
Ck_event | Event Structure |
Ck_fifo | |
Ck_futex | Futex structure |
Ck_heap | |
Ck_lifo | |
Ck_mbox | Mailbox Structure |
Ck_mbox_msg | Mailbox Message Structure |
Ck_mem_domain | Memory Domain |
Ck_mem_paging_histogram_t | Paging Statistics Histograms |
Ck_mem_paging_stats_t | Paging Statistics |
Ck_mem_partition | Memory Partition |
Ck_mem_partition_attr_t | |
Ck_msgq | Message Queue Structure |
Ck_msgq_attrs | Message Queue Attributes |
Ck_mutex | Mutex Structure |
Ck_obj_core | Object core structure |
Ck_obj_core_stats_desc | Object core statistics descriptor |
Ck_obj_type | Object type structure |
Ck_object | Table generated by gperf, these objects are retrieved via k_object_find() |
Ck_object_assignment | |
Ck_object_data | |
Ck_p4wq | P4 Queue |
Ck_p4wq_initparam | |
Ck_p4wq_work | P4 Queue Work Item |
Ck_pipe | |
Ck_poll_event | Poll Event |
Ck_poll_signal | |
Ck_queue | |
Ck_spinlock | Kernel Spin Lock |
Ck_thread | Thread Structure |
Ck_thread_runtime_stats | |
Ck_timeout_t | Kernel timeout type |
Ck_timepoint_t | Kernel timepoint type |
Ck_work | A structure used to submit work |
Ck_work_delayable | A structure used to submit work after a delay |
Ck_work_q | A structure used to hold work until it can be processed |
Ck_work_queue_config | A structure holding optional configuration items for a work queue |
Ck_work_sync | A structure holding internal state for a pending synchronous operation on a work item or queue |
Clcp_options | Link control protocol options |
Cled_driver_api | LED driver API |
Cled_dt_spec | Container for an LED information specified in devicetree |
Cled_info | LED information structure |
Cled_rgb | Color value for a single RGB LED |
Cled_strip_driver_api | LED strip driver API |
Clinear_range | Linear range |
Clinger | |
Clitex_clk_setup | Structure for interfacing with clock control API |
Cllext | Structure describing a linkable loadable extension |
Cllext_buf_loader | Implementation of llext_loader that reads from a memory buffer |
Cllext_const_symbol | Constant symbols are unchangeable named memory addresses |
Cllext_fs_loader | Implementation of llext_loader that reads from a filesystem |
Cllext_load_param | Advanced llext_load parameters |
Cllext_loader | Linkable loadable extension loader context |
Cllext_symbol | Symbols are named memory addresses |
Cllext_symtable | A symbol table |
Clog_backend | Logger backend structure |
Clog_backend_api | Logger backend API |
Clog_backend_control_block | Logger backend control block |
Clog_backend_evt_arg | Argument(s) for backend events |
Clog_dict_output_dropped_msg_t | Output for one dictionary based log message about dropped messages |
Clog_dict_output_normal_msg_hdr_t | Output header for one dictionary based log message |
Clog_frontend_stmesp_demux_config | Demultiplexer configuration |
Clog_frontend_stmesp_demux_header | Union for writing raw data to the logging message header |
Clog_frontend_stmesp_demux_hw_event | Packet with HW event |
Clog_frontend_stmesp_demux_log | Packet with logging message |
Clog_frontend_stmesp_demux_log_header | Logging message header |
Clog_frontend_stmesp_demux_packet | Union of all packet types |
Clog_frontend_stmesp_demux_packet_generic | Generic STP demux packet |
Clog_frontend_stmesp_demux_trace_point | Packet with trace point |
Clog_link | |
Clog_link_api | |
Clog_link_config | |
Clog_link_ctrl_blk | |
Clog_mpsc_pbuf | Structure wrapper to be used for memory section |
Clog_msg | |
Clog_msg_desc | |
Clog_msg_generic | |
Clog_msg_generic_hdr | |
Clog_msg_hdr | |
Clog_msg_ptr | Structure wrapper to be used for memory section |
Clog_msg_source | |
Clog_multidomain_backend | Remote backend structure |
Clog_multidomain_backend_transport_api | Backend transport API |
Clog_multidomain_domain_cnt | Content of the domain count message |
Clog_multidomain_domain_name | Content of the domain name message |
Clog_multidomain_dropped | Content of the message for getting amount of dropped messages |
Clog_multidomain_levels | Content of the message for getting logging levels |
Clog_multidomain_link | Remote link structure |
Clog_multidomain_link_dst | Union for holding data returned by associated remote backend |
Clog_multidomain_link_transport_api | Structure with link transport API |
Clog_multidomain_log_msg | Content of the logging message |
Clog_multidomain_msg | Message |
Clog_multidomain_msg_data | Union with all message types |
Clog_multidomain_set_runtime_level | Content of the message for setting logging level |
Clog_multidomain_source_cnt | Content of the source count message |
Clog_multidomain_source_name | Content of the source name message |
Clog_output | Log_output instance structure |
Clog_output_control_block | |
Clog_source_const_data | Constant data associated with the source of log messages |
Clog_source_dynamic_data | Dynamic data associated with the source of log messages |
Cloopback_disk_access | Context object for an active loopback disk device |
Clora_modem_config | Structure containing the configuration of a LoRa modem |
Clorawan_downlink_cb | LoRaWAN downlink callback parameters |
Clorawan_join_abp | LoRaWAN join parameters for activation by personalization (ABP) |
Clorawan_join_config | LoRaWAN join parameters |
Clorawan_join_otaa | LoRaWAN join parameters for over-the-Air activation (OTAA) |
Clwm2m_ctx | LwM2M context structure to maintain information for a single LwM2M connection |
Clwm2m_obj_path | LwM2M object path structure |
Clwm2m_objlnk | LWM2M Objlnk resource type structure |
Clwm2m_res_item | LwM2M resource item structure |
Clwm2m_time_series_elem | LwM2M Time series data structure |
Cmax22017_data | |
Cmax32_perclk | Driver structure definition |
Cmaxim_ds3231_alarm | Information defining the alarm configuration |
Cmaxim_ds3231_syncpoint | Register the RTC clock against system clocks |
Cmb_image | Representation of a BBC micro:bit display image |
Cmbox_dt_spec | MBOX specification from DT |
Cmbox_msg | Message struct (to hold data and its size) |
Cmcp7940n_alarm_registers | |
Cmcp7940n_alm_date | |
Cmcp7940n_alm_hours | |
Cmcp7940n_alm_min | |
Cmcp7940n_alm_month | |
Cmcp7940n_alm_sec | |
Cmcp7940n_alm_weekday | |
Cmcp7940n_rtc_control | |
Cmcp7940n_rtc_date | |
Cmcp7940n_rtc_hours | |
Cmcp7940n_rtc_min | |
Cmcp7940n_rtc_month | |
Cmcp7940n_rtc_osctrim | |
Cmcp7940n_rtc_sec | |
Cmcp7940n_rtc_weekday | |
Cmcp7940n_rtc_year | |
Cmcp7940n_time_registers | |
Cmctp_binding_uart | An MCTP binding for Zephyr's asynchronous UART interface |
Cmcuboot_img_header | Model for the MCUBoot image header |
Cmcuboot_img_header_v1 | Model for the MCUboot image header as of version 1 |
Cmcuboot_img_sem_ver | MCUboot image header representation for image version |
Cmcumgr_image_data | Image list data |
Cmcumgr_image_list_flags | Image list flags |
Cmcumgr_image_state | MCUmgr Image list response |
Cmcumgr_image_upload | MCUmgr Image upload response |
Cmcumgr_serial_rx_ctxt | Maintains state for an incoming mcumgr request packet |
Cmdm_hl7800_apn | |
Cmdm_hl7800_callback_agent | |
Cmdm_hl7800_compound_event | |
Cmdm_hl7800_polte_location_data | |
Cmdm_hl7800_polte_registration_event_data | |
Cmdm_hl7800_site_survey | |
Cmedia_proxy_ctrl_cbs | Callbacks to a controller, from the media proxy |
Cmedia_proxy_pl_calls | Available calls in a player, that the media proxy can call |
Cmem_attr_region_t | Memory-attr region structure |
Cmfd_adp5585_config | |
Cmfd_adp5585_data | |
Cmgmt_callback | MGMT callback struct |
Cmgmt_evt_op_cmd_arg | Arguments for MGMT_EVT_OP_CMD_RECV, MGMT_EVT_OP_CMD_STATUS and MGMT_EVT_OP_CMD_DONE |
Cmgmt_group | A collection of handlers for an entire command group |
Cmgmt_handler | Read handler and write handler for a single command ID |
Cmidi_ump | Universal MIDI Packet container |
Cmipi_dbi_config | MIPI DBI controller configuration |
Cmipi_dbi_driver_api | MIPI-DBI host driver API |
Cmipi_dsi_device | MIPI-DSI device |
Cmipi_dsi_driver_api | MIPI-DSI host driver API |
Cmipi_dsi_msg | MIPI-DSI read/write message |
Cmipi_dsi_timings | MIPI-DSI display timings |
Cmipi_stp_decoder_config | Decoder configuration |
Cmipi_stp_decoder_data | Union with data associated with a given STP opcode |
Cmmc_device_type | MMC Device Type |
Cmmc_ext_csd | MMC extended card specific data register |
Cmodbus_adu | Frame struct used internally and for raw ADU support |
Cmodbus_iface_param | User parameter structure to configure Modbus interface as client or server |
Cmodbus_raw_cb | |
Cmodbus_serial_param | Modbus serial line parameter |
Cmodbus_server_param | Modbus server parameter |
Cmodbus_user_callbacks | Modbus Server User Callback structure |
Cmodem_backend_tty | |
Cmodem_backend_tty_config | |
Cmodem_backend_uart | |
Cmodem_backend_uart_async | |
Cmodem_backend_uart_config | |
Cmodem_backend_uart_isr | |
Cmodem_chat | Chat instance internal context |
Cmodem_chat_config | Chat configuration |
Cmodem_chat_match | Modem chat match |
Cmodem_chat_script | Modem chat script |
Cmodem_chat_script_chat | Modem chat script chat |
Cmodem_cmux_config | Contains CMUX instance configuration data |
Cmodem_cmux_dlci_config | CMUX DLCI configuration |
Cmodem_ubx | |
Cmodem_ubx_config | |
Cmodem_ubx_script | |
Cmpl_cmd | Media player command |
Cmpl_cmd_ntf | Media command notification |
Cmpl_sci | Search control item |
Cmpl_search | Search |
Cmpsc | MPSC Queue |
Cmpsc_node | Queue member |
Cmpsc_pbuf_buffer | MPSC packet buffer structure |
Cmpsc_pbuf_buffer_config | MPSC packet buffer configuration |
Cmpsc_pbuf_generic | Generic packet header |
Cmpsc_pbuf_hdr | Generic packet header |
Cmpsc_pbuf_skip | Skip packet used internally by the packet buffer |
Cmq_attr | |
Cmqtt_binstr | Abstracts binary strings |
Cmqtt_client | MQTT Client definition to maintain information relevant to the client |
Cmqtt_connack_param | Parameters for a connection acknowledgment (CONNACK) |
Cmqtt_evt | Defines MQTT asynchronous event notified to the application |
Cmqtt_evt_param | Defines event parameters notified along with asynchronous events to the application |
Cmqtt_internal | MQTT internal state |
Cmqtt_puback_param | Parameters for MQTT publish acknowledgment (PUBACK) |
Cmqtt_pubcomp_param | Parameters for MQTT publish complete (PUBCOMP) |
Cmqtt_publish_message | Parameters for a publish message |
Cmqtt_publish_param | Parameters for a publish message (PUBLISH) |
Cmqtt_pubrec_param | Parameters for MQTT publish receive (PUBREC) |
Cmqtt_pubrel_param | Parameters for MQTT publish release (PUBREL) |
Cmqtt_sec_config | TLS configuration for secure MQTT transports |
Cmqtt_sn_client | Structure describing an MQTT-SN client |
Cmqtt_sn_data | Abstracts memory buffers |
Cmqtt_sn_evt | MQTT-SN event structure to be handled by the event callback |
Cmqtt_sn_evt_param | Event metadata |
Cmqtt_sn_transport | Structure to describe an MQTT-SN transport |
Cmqtt_suback_param | Parameters for MQTT subscription acknowledgment (SUBACK) |
Cmqtt_subscription_list | List of topics in a subscription request |
Cmqtt_topic | Abstracts MQTT UTF-8 encoded topic that can be subscribed to or published |
Cmqtt_transport | MQTT transport specific data |
Cmqtt_unsuback_param | Parameters for MQTT unsubscribe acknowledgment (UNSUBACK) |
Cmqtt_utf8 | Abstracts UTF-8 encoded strings |
Cmsghdr | Message struct |
Cmsi_vector | |
Cmsix_vector | |
Cmsosv2_ccgp_device | |
Cmsosv2_compatible_id | |
Cmsosv2_configuration_subset_header | |
Cmsosv2_descriptor_set_header | |
Cmsosv2_function_subset_header | |
Cmsosv2_guids_property | |
Cmsosv2_model_id | |
Cmsosv2_resume_time | |
Cmsosv2_vendor_revision | |
Cmspi_callback_context | MSPI callback context |
Cmspi_ce_control | MSPI Chip Select control structure |
Cmspi_cfg | MSPI controller configuration |
Cmspi_dev_cfg | MSPI controller device specific configuration |
Cmspi_dev_id | MSPI device ID The controller can identify its devices and determine whether the access is allowed in a multiple device scheme |
Cmspi_driver_api | |
Cmspi_dt_spec | MSPI DT information |
Cmspi_emul | Node in a linked list of emulators for MSPI devices |
Cmspi_event | MSPI event |
Cmspi_event_data | MSPI event data |
Cmspi_scramble_cfg | MSPI controller scramble configuration |
Cmspi_timing_cfg | Stub for struct timing_cfg |
Cmspi_xfer | MSPI peripheral xfer format This includes transfer related settings that may require configuring the hardware |
Cmspi_xfer_packet | MSPI peripheral xfer packet format |
Cmspi_xip_cfg | MSPI controller XIP configuration |
Cmultiboot_info | |
Cmultiboot_mmap | |
Cnavigation_data | Navigation data structure |
Cnet_buf | Network buffer representation |
Cnet_buf_pool | Network buffer pool representation |
Cnet_buf_simple | Simple network buffer representation |
Cnet_buf_simple_state | Parsing state of a buffer |
Cnet_context | Note that we do not store the actual source IP address in the context because the address is already set in the network interface struct |
Cnet_dhcpv6_params | DHCPv6 client configuration parameters |
Cnet_eth_addr | Ethernet address |
Cnet_event_coap_observer | CoAP Observer event structure |
Cnet_event_coap_service | CoAP Service event structure |
Cnet_event_ipv4_pmtu_info | Network Management event information structure Used to pass information on network event NET_EVENT_IPV4_PMTU_CHANGED when CONFIG_NET_MGMT_EVENT_INFO enabled and event generator pass the information |
Cnet_event_ipv6_addr | Network Management event information structure Used to pass information on network events like NET_EVENT_IPV6_ADDR_ADD, NET_EVENT_IPV6_ADDR_DEL, NET_EVENT_IPV6_MADDR_ADD and NET_EVENT_IPV6_MADDR_DEL when CONFIG_NET_MGMT_EVENT_INFO enabled and event generator pass the information |
Cnet_event_ipv6_nbr | Network Management event information structure Used to pass information on network events like NET_EVENT_IPV6_NBR_ADD and NET_EVENT_IPV6_NBR_DEL when CONFIG_NET_MGMT_EVENT_INFO enabled and event generator pass the information |
Cnet_event_ipv6_pe_filter | Network Management event information structure Used to pass information on network events like NET_EVENT_IPV6_PE_FILTER_ADD and NET_EVENT_IPV6_PE_FILTER_DEL when CONFIG_NET_MGMT_EVENT_INFO is enabled and event generator pass the information |
Cnet_event_ipv6_pmtu_info | Network Management event information structure Used to pass information on network event NET_EVENT_IPV6_PMTU_CHANGED when CONFIG_NET_MGMT_EVENT_INFO enabled and event generator pass the information |
Cnet_event_ipv6_prefix | Network Management event information structure Used to pass information on network events like NET_EVENT_IPV6_PREFIX_ADD and NET_EVENT_IPV6_PREFIX_DEL when CONFIG_NET_MGMT_EVENT_INFO is enabled and event generator pass the information |
Cnet_event_ipv6_route | Network Management event information structure Used to pass information on network events like NET_EVENT_IPV6_ROUTE_ADD and NET_EVENT_IPV6_ROUTE_DEL when CONFIG_NET_MGMT_EVENT_INFO enabled and event generator pass the information |
Cnet_event_l4_hostname | Network Management event information structure Used to pass information on NET_EVENT_HOSTNAME_CHANGED event when CONFIG_NET_MGMT_EVENT_INFO is enabled and event generator pass the information |
Cnet_icmp_ctx | ICMP context structure |
Cnet_icmp_ip_hdr | Struct presents either IPv4 or IPv6 header in ICMP response message |
Cnet_icmp_offload | ICMP offload context structure |
Cnet_icmp_ping_params | Struct presents parameters that are needed when sending Echo-Request (ping) messages |
Cnet_if | Network Interface structure |
Cnet_if_addr | Network Interface unicast IP addresses |
Cnet_if_addr_ipv4 | Network Interface unicast IPv4 address and netmask |
Cnet_if_config | IP and other configuration related data for network interface |
Cnet_if_dev | Network Interface Device structure |
Cnet_if_ip | Network interface IP address configuration |
Cnet_if_ipv4 | IPv4 configuration |
Cnet_if_ipv6 | IPv6 configuration |
Cnet_if_ipv6_prefix | Network Interface IPv6 prefixes |
Cnet_if_link_cb | Link callback handler struct |
Cnet_if_mcast_addr | Network Interface multicast IP addresses |
Cnet_if_mcast_monitor | Multicast monitor handler struct |
Cnet_if_router | Information about routers in the system |
Cnet_l2 | Network L2 structure |
Cnet_linkaddr | Hardware link address structure |
Cnet_linkaddr_storage | Hardware link address structure |
Cnet_lldp_chassis_tlv | Chassis ID TLV, see chapter 8.5.2 in IEEE 802.1AB |
Cnet_lldp_port_tlv | Port ID TLV, see chapter 8.5.3 in IEEE 802.1AB |
Cnet_lldp_time_to_live_tlv | Time To Live TLV, see chapter 8.5.4 in IEEE 802.1AB |
Cnet_lldpdu | LLDP Data Unit (LLDPDU) shall contain the following ordered TLVs as stated in "8.2 LLDPDU format" from the IEEE 802.1AB |
Cnet_mgmt_event_callback | Network Management event callback structure Used to register a callback into the network management event part, in order to let the owner of this struct to get network event notification based on given event mask |
Cnet_mgmt_msghdr | Each network management message is prefixed with this header |
Cnet_pkt | Network packet |
Cnet_ptp_extended_time | Generalized Precision Time Protocol Extended Timestamp format |
Cnet_ptp_time | (Generalized) Precision Time Protocol Timestamp format |
Cnet_socket_service_desc | Main structure holding socket service configuration information |
Cnet_socket_service_event | This struct contains information which socket triggered calls to the callback function |
Cnet_stats | All network statistics in one struct |
Cnet_stats_bytes | Number of bytes sent and received |
Cnet_stats_dns | DNS statistics |
Cnet_stats_eth | All Ethernet specific statistics |
Cnet_stats_eth_csum | Ethernet checksum statistics |
Cnet_stats_eth_errors | Ethernet error statistics |
Cnet_stats_eth_flow | Ethernet flow control statistics |
Cnet_stats_eth_hw_timestamp | Ethernet hardware timestamp statistics |
Cnet_stats_icmp | ICMP statistics |
Cnet_stats_ip | IP layer statistics |
Cnet_stats_ip_errors | IP layer error statistics |
Cnet_stats_ipv4_igmp | IPv4 IGMP daemon statistics |
Cnet_stats_ipv4_pmtu | IPv4 Path MTU Discovery statistics |
Cnet_stats_ipv6_mld | IPv6 multicast listener daemon statistics |
Cnet_stats_ipv6_nd | IPv6 neighbor discovery statistics |
Cnet_stats_ipv6_pmtu | IPv6 Path MTU Discovery statistics |
Cnet_stats_pkts | Number of network packets sent and received |
Cnet_stats_pm | Power management statistics |
Cnet_stats_ppp | All PPP specific statistics |
Cnet_stats_rx_time | Network packet receive times for calculating average RX time |
Cnet_stats_sta_mgmt | All Wi-Fi management statistics |
Cnet_stats_tc | Traffic class statistics |
Cnet_stats_tcp | TCP statistics |
Cnet_stats_tx_time | Network packet transfer times for calculating average TX time |
Cnet_stats_udp | UDP statistics |
Cnet_stats_wifi | All Wi-Fi specific statistics |
Cnet_timeout | Generic struct for handling network timeouts |
Cnet_traffic_class | Network traffic class |
Cnet_trickle | The variable names are taken directly from RFC 6206 when applicable |
Cnet_tuple | IPv6/IPv4 network connection tuple |
Cnet_wifi_mgmt_offload | Wi-Fi management offload API |
Cnetent | |
Cno_bus_emul | Emulator API stub when an emulator is not actually placed on a bus |
Cnpcx_ex_ops_qspi_oper_in | |
Cnpcx_ex_ops_qspi_oper_out | |
Cnpcx_ex_ops_uma_in | |
Cnpcx_ex_ops_uma_out | |
Cnpf_rule | Filter rule structure |
Cnpf_rule_list | Rule set for a given test location |
Cnpf_test | Common filter test structure to be embedded into larger structures |
Cnrf_wifi_off_raw_tx_conf |
Cnrf_wifi_off_raw_tx_stats | This structure defines the Offloaded raw tx debug statistics |
Cnumaker_scc_subsys | |
Cnvs_fs | Non-volatile Storage File system structure |
Cnxp_enet_qos_config | |
Cnxp_flexio_child | Structure containing the required child data for FlexIO |
Cnxp_flexio_child_res | Structure containing information about the required resources for a FlexIO child |
Cnxp_mpu_config | |
Cnxp_mpu_region | |
Cnxp_mpu_region_attr | |
Coffloaded_if_api | Extended net_if_api for offloaded ifaces/network devices, allowing handling of admin up/down state changes |
Conoff_client | State associated with a client of an on-off service |
Conoff_manager | State associated with an on-off manager |
Conoff_monitor | Registration state for notifications of onoff service transitions |
Conoff_sync_service | State used when a driver uses the on-off service API for synchronous operations |
Conoff_transitions | On-off service transition functions |
Copenthread_state_changed_cb | OpenThread state change callback |
Cos_mgmt_bootloader_info_data | Structure provided in the MGMT_EVT_OP_OS_MGMT_BOOTLOADER_INFO notification callback: This callback function is used to add new fields to the bootloader info response |
Cos_mgmt_client | OS mgmt client object |
Cos_mgmt_info_append | |
Cos_mgmt_info_check | |
Cos_mgmt_reset_data | Structure provided in the MGMT_EVT_OP_OS_MGMT_RESET notification callback: This callback function is used to notify the application about a pending device reboot request and to authorise or deny it |
Cosdp_cmd | OSDP Command Structure |
Cosdp_cmd_buzzer | Sent from CP to control the behaviour of a buzzer in the PD |
Cosdp_cmd_comset | Sent in response to a COMSET command |
Cosdp_cmd_keyset | This command transfers an encryption key from the CP to a PD |
Cosdp_cmd_led | Sent from CP to PD to control the behaviour of it's on-board LEDs |
Cosdp_cmd_led_params | LED params sub-structure |
Cosdp_cmd_output | Command sent from CP to Control digital output of PD |
Cosdp_cmd_text | Command to manipulate any display units that the PD supports |
Cosdp_event | OSDP Event structure |
Cosdp_event_cardread | OSDP event cardread |
Cosdp_event_keypress | OSDP Event Keypad |
Cpasswd | |
Cpbuf | Scure packed buffer |
Cpbuf_cfg | Control block of packet buffer |
Cpbuf_data | Data block of the packed buffer |
Cpcie_bar | |
Cpcie_ctrl_config | Structure describing a device that supports the PCI Express Controller API |
Cpcie_ctrl_driver_api | Structure providing callbacks to be implemented for devices that supports the PCI Express Controller API |
Cpcie_dev | |
Cpcie_ep_driver_api | |
Cpcie_scan_opt | Options for performing a scan for PCI devices |
Cpcie_vctc_map | |
Cpcm_stream_cfg | Configuration of the PCM streams to be output by the PDM hardware |
Cpd_augmented_supply_pdo_sink | Create Augmented Supply PDO Sink value See Table 6-17 Programmable Power Supply APDO - Sink |
Cpd_augmented_supply_pdo_source | Create Augmented Supply PDO Source value See Table 6-13 Programmable Power Supply APDO - Source |
Cpd_battery_supply_pdo_sink | Create a Battery Supply PDO Sink value See Table 6-16 Battery Supply PDO - Sink |
Cpd_battery_supply_pdo_source | Create a Battery Supply PDO Source value See Table 6-12 Battery Supply PDO - Source |
Cpd_ext_header | Build an extended message header See Table 6-3 Extended Message Header |
Cpd_fixed_supply_pdo_sink | Create a Fixed Supply PDO Sink value See Table 6-14 Fixed Supply PDO - Sink |
Cpd_fixed_supply_pdo_source | Create a Fixed Supply PDO Source value See Table 6-9 Fixed Supply PDO - Source |
Cpd_header | Build a PD message header See Table 6-1 Message Header |
Cpd_msg | Power Delivery message |
Cpd_rdo | The Request Data Object (RDO) Shall be returned by the Sink making a request for power |
Cpd_variable_supply_pdo_sink | Create a Variable Supply PDO Sink value See Table 6-15 Variable Supply (non-Battery) PDO - Sink |
Cpd_variable_supply_pdo_source | Create a Variable Supply PDO Source value See Table 6-11 Variable Supply (non-Battery) PDO - Source |
Cpdm_chan_cfg | Mapping/ordering of the PDM channels to logical PCM output channel |
Cpdm_io_cfg | PDM Input/Output signal configuration |
Cpeci_buf | PECI buffer structure |
Cpeci_msg | PECI transaction packet format |
Cpfc_bias_reg | |
Cpfc_drive_reg | |
Cpfc_drive_reg_field | |
Cphy_link_state | Link state |
Cphy_plca_cfg | PLCA (Physical Layer Collision Avoidance) Reconciliation Sublayer configurations |
Cpinctrl_dev_config | Pin controller configuration for a given device |
Cpinctrl_soc_pin | Type for R-Car pin |
Cpinctrl_state | Pin control state configuration |
Cpm_device | Runtime PM info for device with generic PM |
Cpm_device_base | Device PM info |
Cpm_device_isr | Runtime PM info for device with synchronous PM |
Cpm_notifier | Power management notifier struct |
Cpm_policy_event | Event |
Cpm_policy_latency_request | Latency request |
Cpm_policy_latency_subscription | Latency change subscription |
Cpm_state_constraint | Power state information needed to lock a power state |
Cpm_state_info | Information about a power management state |
Cppp_api | PPP L2 API |
Cppp_context | PPP L2 context specific to certain network interface |
Cppp_fsm | Generic PPP Finite State Machine |
Cprometheus_collector | Prometheus collector definition |
Cprometheus_counter | Type used to represent a Prometheus counter metric |
Cprometheus_gauge | Type used to represent a Prometheus gauge metric |
Cprometheus_histogram | Type used to represent a Prometheus histogram metric |
Cprometheus_histogram_bucket | Prometheus histogram bucket definition |
Cprometheus_label | Prometheus label definition |
Cprometheus_metric | Type used to represent a Prometheus metric base |
Cprometheus_summary | Type used to represent a Prometheus summary metric |
Cprometheus_summary_quantile | Prometheus summary quantile definition |
Cprotoent | |
Cpsa_storage_info_t | Metadata associated with a specific entry |
Cpseudo_descriptor | |
Cpthread_attr | |
Cpthread_barrierattr | |
Cpthread_condattr | |
Cpthread_mutexattr | |
Cpthread_once | |
Cptp_clock_driver_api | |
Cpwm_dt_spec | Container for PWM information specified in devicetree |
Cqspi_config | |
Cqspi_dev | |
Cr502a_sys_param | |
Cr502a_template | |
Crbnode | Balanced red/black tree node structure |
Crbtree | Balanced red/black tree structure |
Crcar_cpg_clk | |
Crcar_pin_func | |
Creset_dt_spec | Reset controller device configuration |
Cretained_mem_driver_api | Retained memory driver API API which can be used by a device to store data in a retained memory area |
Cretention_api | |
Cring_buf | A structure to represent a ring buffer |
Crtc_time | Structure for storing date and time values with sub-second precision |
Crtio | An RTIO context containing what can be viewed as a pair of queues |
Crtio_cqe | A completion queue event |
Crtio_cqe_pool | |
Crtio_iodev | An IO device with a function table for submitting requests |
Crtio_iodev_api | API that an RTIO IO device should implement |
Crtio_iodev_sqe | Compute the mempool block index for a given pointer |
Crtio_sqe | A submission queue event |
Crtio_sqe_pool | |
Crtio_work_req | RTIO Work request |
Crts5912_sccon_subsys | |
Cs_FpRegSet | |
Cs_FpRegSetEx | |
Cs_isrList | |
Cs_preempFloatReg | |
Csbs_gauge_device_chemistry | |
Csbs_gauge_device_name | |
Csbs_gauge_manufacturer_name | |
Csched_pin_override | |
Csched_poll | |
Csched_remote_shutdown | |
Csched_shutdown | |
Csched_watchdog | |
Cscmi_channel | SCMI channel structure |
Cscmi_clock_config | Describes the parameters for the CLOCK_CONFIG_SET command |
Cscmi_clock_rate_config | Describes the parameters for the CLOCK_RATE_SET command |
Cscmi_message | SCMI message structure |
Cscmi_pinctrl_settings | Describes the parameters for the PINCTRL_SETTINGS_CONFIGURE command |
Cscmi_power_state_config | Describes the parameters for the POWER_STATE_SET command |
Cscmi_protocol | SCMI protocol structure |
Cscmi_transport_api | |
Csd_card | SD card structure |
Csd_cid | SD card identification register |
Csd_csd | SD card specific data register |
Csd_scr | SD card configuration register |
Csd_switch_caps | SD switch capabilities |
Csdhc_command | SD host controller command structure |
Csdhc_data | SD host controller data structure |
Csdhc_driver_api | |
Csdhc_host_caps | SD host controller capabilities |
Csdhc_host_props | SD host controller properties |
Csdhc_io | SD host controller I/O control structure |
Csdio_cis | SDIO common CIS tuple properties |
Csdio_func | SDIO function definition |
Csecure_storage_its_uid_t | The UID (caller + entry IDs) of an ITS entry |
Csegment_descriptor | |
Csensing_callback_list | Sensing subsystem event callback list |
Csensing_sensor_config | Sensing subsystem sensor configure, including interval, sensitivity, latency |
Csensing_sensor_info | Sensor basic constant information |
Csensing_sensor_register_info | Sensor registration information |
Csensing_sensor_value_3d_q31 | Sensor value data structure types based on common data types |
Csensing_sensor_value_header | Sensor value header |
Csensing_sensor_value_q31 | Sensor value data structure for single 1-axis value |
Csensing_sensor_value_uint32 | Sensor value data structure for single 1-axis value |
Csensing_sensor_version | Sensor Version |
►Csensor_byte_data | Data from a sensor that produces a byte of data |
Csensor_chan_spec | Sensor Channel Specification |
Csensor_data_generic_header | |
Csensor_data_header | |
Csensor_decode_context | Used for iterating over the data frames via the sensor_decoder_api |
Csensor_decoder_api | Decodes a single raw data buffer |
Csensor_driver_api | |
►Csensor_game_rotation_vector_data | Data for a sensor channel which reports game rotation vector data |
►Csensor_occurrence_data | Data from a sensor where we only care about an event occurring |
►Csensor_q31_data | |
Csensor_read_config | |
Csensor_stream_trigger | |
Csensor_three_axis_attribute | Used by the following channel/attribute pairs: |
►Csensor_three_axis_data | Data for a sensor channel which reports on three axes |
Csensor_trigger | Sensor trigger spec |
►Csensor_uint64_data | Data from a sensor that produces a count like value |
Csensor_value | Representation of a sensor readout value |
Cservent | |
Csettings_handler | Config handlers for subtree implement a set of handler functions |
Csettings_handler_static | Config handlers without the node element, used for static handlers |
Csettings_load_arg | Arguments for data loading |
Csettings_mgmt_access | Structure provided in the MGMT_EVT_OP_SETTINGS_MGMT_ACCESS notification callback: This callback function is used to notify the application about a pending setting read/write/delete/load/save/commit request and to authorise or deny it |
Csettings_store | Backend handler node for storage handling |
Csettings_store_itf | Backend handler functions |
Cshared_info | |
Cshared_irq_driver_api | |
Cshared_multi_heap_region | SMH region struct |
Cshared_vector_desc_t | |
Cshell | Shell instance internals |
Cshell_adsp_memory_window | Memwindow based shell transport |
Cshell_backend_cfg | |
Cshell_backend_config_flags | |
Cshell_backend_ctx | |
Cshell_backend_ctx_flags | |
Cshell_cmd_entry | Shell command descriptor |
Cshell_ctx | Shell instance context |
Cshell_dummy | |
Cshell_fprintf | Fprintf context |
Cshell_fprintf_control_block | |
Cshell_history | |
Cshell_log_backend | Shell log backend instance structure (RO data) |
Cshell_log_backend_control_block | Shell log backend control block (RW data) |
Cshell_log_backend_msg | Shell log backend message structure |
►Cshell_mqtt | MQTT-based shell transport |
Cshell_mqtt_tx_buf | |
Cshell_multiline_cons | |
Cshell_rpmsg | RPMsg-based shell transport |
Cshell_rpmsg_rx | RPMsg received message placeholder |
Cshell_rtt | |
Cshell_static_args | |
Cshell_static_entry | |
Cshell_stats | Shell statistics structure |
Cshell_telnet | TELNET-based shell transport |
Cshell_telnet_line_buf | Line buffer structure |
Cshell_transport | |
Cshell_transport_api | Unified shell transport interface |
Cshell_uart_async | |
Cshell_uart_common | |
Cshell_uart_int_driven | |
Cshell_uart_polling | |
Cshell_vt100_colors | |
Cshell_vt100_ctx | |
Cshell_websocket | WEBSOCKET-based shell transport |
Cshell_websocket_line_buf | Line buffer structure |
Csigaction | |
Csigevent | |
Csiginfo_t | |
Csigset_t | |
Csigval | |
Csilabs_clock_control_cmu_config | |
Csim7080_gnss_data | |
Csim7080_sms | Buffer structure for sms |
Csim7080_sms_buffer | Buffer structure for sms reads |
Csip_svc_request | SiP Service communication protocol request format |
Csip_svc_response | SiP Services service communication protocol response format |
Csmbus_callback | SMBus callback structure |
Csmbus_dt_spec | Complete SMBus DT information |
Csmf_ctx | Defines the current context of the state machine |
Csmf_state | General state that can be used in multiple state machines |
Csmp_client_object | SMP client object |
Csmp_client_transport_entry | SMP Client transport structure |
Csmp_shell_data | Data used by SMP shell |
Csmp_streamer | Decodes, encodes, and transmits SMP packets |
Csmp_transport | SMP transport object for sending SMP responses |
Csmp_transport_api_t | Function pointers of SMP transport functions, if a handler is NULL then it is not supported/implemented |
Csntp_ctx | SNTP context |
Csntp_time | Time as returned by SNTP API, fractional seconds since 1 Jan 1970 |
Csockaddr | Generic sockaddr struct |
Csockaddr_can | Struct sockaddr_can - The sockaddr structure for CAN sockets |
Csockaddr_in | Socket address struct for IPv4 |
Csockaddr_in6 | Socket address struct for IPv6 |
Csockaddr_ll | Socket address struct for packet socket |
Csockaddr_nm | Struct sockaddr_nm - The sockaddr structure for NET_MGMT sockets |
Csocket_dns_offload | An offloaded Socket DNS API interface |
Csocketcan_filter | CAN filter for Linux SocketCAN compatibility |
Csocketcan_frame | CAN frame for Linux SocketCAN compatibility |
Cspi_buf | SPI buffer structure |
Cspi_buf_set | SPI buffer array structure |
Cspi_config | SPI controller configuration structure |
Cspi_cs_control | SPI Chip Select control structure |
Cspi_driver_api | SPI driver API This is the mandatory API any SPI driver needs to expose |
Cspi_dt_spec | Complete SPI DT information |
Cspi_emul | Node in a linked list of emulators for SPI devices |
Cspi_emul_api | Definition of the emulator API |
Cspi_rtio | Driver context for implementing SPI with RTIO |
Cspsc_pbuf | Single producer, single consumer packet buffer |
Cspsc_pbuf_common | First part of packet buffer control block |
Cspsc_pbuf_ext_cache | Remaining part of a packet buffer when cache is used |
Cspsc_pbuf_ext_nocache | Remaining part of a packet buffer when cache is not used |
Cstat | |
Cstat_mgmt_entry | Represents a single value in a statistics group |
Cstats_hdr | |
Cstats_name_map | |
Cstm32_pclken | Driver structure definition |
Cstrbuf | |
Cstream_flash_ctx | Structure for stream flash context |
Csvc_driver_api | API structure for sip_svc driver |
Cswdp_api | |
Csymtab_info | |
Csys_hashmap | Generic Hashmap |
Csys_hashmap_api | Generic Hashmap API |
Csys_hashmap_config | Generic Hashmap configuration |
Csys_hashmap_data | Generic Hashmap data |
Csys_hashmap_iterator | Generic Hashmap iterator interface |
Csys_hashmap_oa_lp_data | |
Csys_heap | |
Csys_memory_stats | |
Csys_mm_drv_bank | Information about memory banks |
Csys_mm_drv_region | Represents an available memory region |
Csys_multi_heap | |
Csys_multi_heap_rec | |
Csys_mutex | |
►Csys_notify | State associated with notification for an asynchronous operation |
Csys_sem | Sys_sem structure |
Csys_winstream | Lockless shared memory byte stream IPC |
Csyscon_driver_api | System Control (syscon) register driver API |
Ctask_state_segment | |
Ctcpc_chip_info | TCPC Chip Information |
Ctcpc_driver_api | |
Ctcpci_reg_dump_map | Structure used to bind the register address to name in registers dump |
Ctee_driver_api | |
Ctee_invoke_func_arg | Invokes a function in a Trusted Application |
Ctee_open_session_arg |
Ctee_param | Tee parameter |
Ctee_shm | Tee shared memory structure |
Ctee_version_info | TEE version |
Ctftp_data_param | Parameters for data event |
Ctftp_error_param | Parameters for error event |
Ctftp_evt | Defines TFTP asynchronous event notified to the application |
Ctftp_evt_param | Defines event parameters notified along with asynchronous events to the application |
Ctftpc | TFTP client definition to maintain information relevant to the client |
Cthread_analyzer_info | |
Ctimespec | |
Ctimeutil_sync_config | Immutable state for synchronizing two clocks |
Ctimeutil_sync_instant | Representation of an instant in two time scales |
Ctimeutil_sync_state | State required to convert instants between time scales |
Ctimeval | |
Ctm | |
Ctmc_ramp_generator_data | Trinamic Stepper Ramp Generator data |
Ctracing_data | A structure to represent tracing data format |
Ctty_serial | |
Cuac2_ops | USB Audio 2 application event handlers |
Cuart_async_rx | UART asynchronous RX helper structure |
Cuart_async_rx_buf | |
Cuart_async_rx_config | UART asynchronous RX helper configuration structure |
Cuart_config | UART controller configuration structure |
Cuart_emul | Node in a linked list of emulators for UART devices |
Cuart_emul_device_api | Definition of the emulator API |
►Cuart_event | Structure containing information about current event |
Cuart_event_rx | UART RX event data |
Cuart_event_rx_buf | UART RX buffer released event data |
Cuart_event_rx_stop | UART RX stopped data |
Cuart_event_tx | UART TX event data |
Cuart_mcumgr_rx_buf | Contains an mcumgr fragment received over UART |
Cubx_frame | |
Cudc_api | UDC driver API This is the mandatory API any USB device controller driver needs to expose with exception of: device_speed(), test_mode() are only required for HS controllers |
Cudc_buf_info | UDC endpoint buffer info |
Cudc_data | Common UDC driver data structure |
Cudc_device_caps | USB device controller capabilities |
Cudc_ep_caps | USB device controller endpoint capabilities |
Cudc_ep_config | USB device controller endpoint configuration |
Cudc_ep_stat | USB device controller endpoint status |
Cudc_event | USB device controller event |
Cuhc_data | Common UHC driver data structure |
Cuhc_device_caps | USB host controller capabilities |
Cuhc_event | USB host controller event |
Cuhc_transfer | UHC endpoint buffer info |
Cusb_association_descriptor | USB Association Descriptor defined in USB 3 spec |
Cusb_audio_fu_evt | Feature Unit event structure |
Cusb_audio_ops | Audio callbacks used to interact with audio devices by user App |
Cusb_bos_capability_lpm | BOS USB 2.0 extension capability descriptor |
Cusb_bos_capability_msos | Microsoft OS 2.0 descriptor specific part of platform capability descriptor |
Cusb_bos_capability_webusb | WebUSB specific part of platform capability descriptor |
Cusb_bos_descriptor | Root BOS Descriptor |
Cusb_bos_platform_descriptor | BOS platform capability descriptor |
Cusb_cfg_data | USB device configuration |
Cusb_cfg_descriptor | USB Standard Configuration Descriptor defined in spec |
Cusb_dc_ep_cfg_data | USB Endpoint Configuration |
Cusb_desc_header | Header of an USB descriptor |
Cusb_device | Host representation of a USB device |
Cusb_device_descriptor | USB Standard Device Descriptor defined in spec |
Cusb_device_qualifier_descriptor | USB Device Qualifier Descriptor defined in spec |
Cusb_dfu_descriptor | |
Cusb_ep_cfg_data | USB Endpoint Configuration |
Cusb_ep_desc_bmattr | |
Cusb_ep_descriptor | USB Standard Endpoint Descriptor defined in spec |
Cusb_host_ep | |
Cusb_host_interface | |
Cusb_if_descriptor | USB Standard Interface Descriptor defined in spec |
Cusb_interface_cfg_data | USB Interface Configuration |
Cusb_req_type_field | |
Cusb_setup_packet | USB Setup Data packet defined in spec |
Cusb_string_descriptor | USB Unicode (UTF16LE) String Descriptor defined in spec |
Cusbc_ppc_driver_api | Structure with pointers to the functions implemented by driver |
Cusbc_vbus_driver_api | |
Cusbd_bos_desc_data | USBD BOS Device Capability descriptor data |
Cusbd_cctx_vendor_req | Vendor Requests Table |
Cusbd_ch9_data | USB device support middle layer runtime data |
Cusbd_class_api | USB device support class instance API |
Cusbd_class_data | USB device support class data |
Cusbd_config_node | Device configuration node |
Cusbd_context | USB device support runtime context |
Cusbd_desc_node | Descriptor node |
Cusbd_dfu_image | |
Cusbd_midi_ops | MIDI2 application event handlers |
Cusbd_msc_lun | |
Cusbd_msg | USB device message |
Cusbd_status | USB device support status |
Cusbd_str_desc_data | Used internally to keep descriptors in order |
Cusbd_vreq_node | USBD vendor request node |
Cusbh_class_data | USB host class data and class instance API |
Cusbh_code_triple | USB Class Code triple |
Cusbh_contex | USB host support runtime context |
Cutsname | |
Cvcpu_info | |
Cvcpu_time_info | |
Cvector_desc_t | |
Cvideo_buffer | Video buffer structure |
Cvideo_caps | Video format capabilities |
Cvideo_driver_api | |
Cvideo_format | Video format structure |
Cvideo_format_cap | Video format capability |
Cvideo_frmival | Video frame interval structure |
Cvideo_frmival_enum | Video frame interval enumeration structure |
Cvideo_frmival_stepwise | Video frame interval stepwise structure |
Cvirtual_interface_api | Virtual L2 API operations |
Cvirtual_interface_context | Virtual L2 context that is needed to binding to the real network interface |
Cvoltage_divider_dt_spec | |
Cvtd_driver_api | |
Cw1_rom | W1_rom struct |
Cw1_slave_config | Node specific 1-wire configuration struct |
Cwdt_timeout_cfg | Watchdog timeout configuration |
Cwdt_window | Watchdog timeout window |
Cwebsocket_request | Websocket client connection request |
Cwifi_11k_params | Wi-Fi 11k parameters |
Cwifi_ap_config_params | Wi-Fi AP configuration parameter |
Cwifi_ap_sta_info | AP mode - connected STA details |
Cwifi_band_channel | Wi-Fi structure to uniquely identify a band-channel pair |
Cwifi_channel_info | Wi-Fi channel setting for monitor and TX-injection modes |
Cwifi_cipher_desc | |
Cwifi_connect_req_params | Wi-Fi connect request parameters |
Cwifi_credentials_enterprise | Wi-Fi Enterprise credentials entry |
Cwifi_credentials_header | Wi-Fi credentials entry header |
Cwifi_credentials_personal | Wi-Fi Personal credentials entry |
Cwifi_eap_cipher_config | |
Cwifi_eap_config | |
Cwifi_enterprise_creds_params | Wi-Fi enterprise mode credentials |
Cwifi_filter_info | Wi-Fi filter setting for monitor, prmoiscuous, TX-injection modes |
Cwifi_iface_status | Wi-Fi interface status |
Cwifi_mgmt_ops | Wi-Fi management API |
Cwifi_mode_info | Wi-Fi mode setup |
Cwifi_nm_instance | WiFi Network manager instance |
Cwifi_nm_mgd_iface | WiFi Network Managed interfaces |
Cwifi_ps_config | Wi-Fi power save configuration |
Cwifi_ps_params | Wi-Fi power save parameters |
Cwifi_raw_scan_result | Wi-Fi raw scan result |
Cwifi_reg_chan_info | Per-channel regulatory attributes |
Cwifi_reg_domain | Regulatory domain information or configuration |
Cwifi_scan_params | Wi-Fi scan parameters structure |
Cwifi_scan_result | Wi-Fi scan result, each result is provided to the net_mgmt_event_callback via its info attribute (see net_mgmt.h) |
Cwifi_status | Generic Wi-Fi status for commands and events |
Cwifi_twt_flow_info | Wi-Fi TWT flow information |
Cwifi_twt_params | Wi-Fi TWT parameters |
Cwifi_version | Wi-Fi version |
Cwifi_wps_config_params | Wi-Fi wps setup |
Cx86_memmap_entry | |
Cx86_memmap_exclusion | |
Cx86_ssf | |
Cx86_tss64 | |
Cxen_add_to_physmap | |
Cxen_add_to_physmap_batch | |
Cxen_domctl | |
Cxen_domctl_address_size | |
Cxen_domctl_assign_device | |
Cxen_domctl_bind_pt_irq | |
Cxen_domctl_cacheflush | |
Cxen_domctl_createdomain | |
Cxen_domctl_getdomaininfo | |
Cxen_domctl_iomem_permission | |
Cxen_domctl_max_mem | |
Cxen_domctl_max_vcpus | |
Cxen_domctl_memory_mapping | |
Cxen_domctl_paging_mempool | |
Cxen_domctl_sched_credit | |
Cxen_domctl_sched_credit2 | |
Cxen_domctl_sched_rtds | |
Cxen_domctl_schedparam_vcpu | |
Cxen_domctl_scheduler_op | |
Cxen_domctl_shadow_op | |
Cxen_domctl_shadow_op_stats | |
Cxen_domctl_vcpucontext | |
Cxen_hvm_param | |
Cxen_memory_reservation | |
Cxen_pmu_arch | |
Cxen_remove_from_physmap | |
Cxencons_interface | |
Cxenctl_bitmap | |
Cxtensa_mmu_range | Struct used to map a memory region |
Cxtensa_mpu_entry | Foreground MPU Entry |
Cxtensa_mpu_map | Struct to hold foreground MPU map and its entries |
Cxtensa_mpu_range | Struct to describe a memory region [start, end) |
Cxtensa_register | Register description for GDB stub |
Cxtensa_thread_stack_header | |
Czbus_channel | Type used to represent a channel |
Czbus_channel_data | Type used to represent a channel mutable data |
Czbus_observer | Type used to represent an observer |
Czbus_observer_data | |
Czms_fs | Zephyr Memory Storage file system structure |
Czperf_results | Performance results |
Czsock_addrinfo | Definition used when querying address information |
Czsock_pollfd | Definition of the monitored socket/file descriptor |
Cztest_arch_api | Structure for architecture specific APIs |
Cztest_expected_result_entry | A single expectation entry allowing tests to fail/skip and be considered passing |
Cztest_suite_node | A single node of test suite |
Cztest_suite_stats | Stats about a ztest suite |
Cztest_unit_test | |
Cztest_unit_test_stats | |
Cztress_context_data | |
Czvfs_fd_set | |
Czvfs_pollfd |