Zephyr Project API 4.0.99
A Scalable Open Source RTOS
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File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456789]
 cache.hCache API interface
 devicetree.hDevicetree main header
 fatal.hFatal error functions
 fatal_types.hFatal base type definitions
 irq.hPublic interface for configuring interrupts
 irq_multilevel.hPublic interface for multi-level interrupts
 irq_nextlevel.hPublic interface for configuring interrupts
 irq_offload.hIRQ Offload interface
 kernel.hPublic kernel APIs
 kernel_includes.hHeader files included by kernel.h
 net_buf.hBuffer management
 smf.hState Machine Framework header file
 spinlock.hPublic interface for spinlocks
 sw_isr_table.hSoftware-managed ISR table
 sys_clock.hVariables needed for system clock
 toolchain.hMacros to abstract toolchain specific capabilities
 kernel_arch_interface.hInternal kernel APIs implemented at the architecture layer